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Factors affecting the use of plastic money facilities in the Zimbabwean RETAIL Pharmaceutical sector. Onias NYAKUYEDZWA, Marcus MUTANGA and Patience SIWADI
The study was done against a background when Zimbabwe was facing poor circulation of money due to cash shortages and liquidity crisis. Indicators were that there was poor adoption of plastic money services. The study sought to document the factors that affected that use of plastic money services in the Zimbabwean retail pharmaceutical sector.
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Fuzzy Soft Super Matrix.
Md.Jalilul Islam Mondal and Tapan Kumar Roy
The purpose of this paper is to put forward the notion soft super matrix theory[ Based on [11]W.B.Vasantha Kandasami , Florentin Smarandche, K. Amal "Super Fuzzy Matrices and Super Fuzzy Models for Social Scientists", 2008] and some basic properties. In this paper, we define fuzzy soft super matrix and some new definitions based on fuzzy soft super matrix .
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A Comparative Analysis Of Socio-Economic Viability Of Agroforestry In Pulwama District Of Jammu & Kashmir. Rafiq Hussain Andrabi and Dr Harmeet Singh
Agroforestry is an inter disciplinary, multi-sector approach of land use. Its prime objective is overall optimization and to protect the environment and maintain the ecological integrity. Agroforestry is primarily the technology of using perennial vegetation in combination with seasonal or perennial field crop, fodder or other crops of economic value in agriculture.
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A Teacher Training Program To Improve Astronomy And Space Science Education With International Cooperation. Shaheen Abbas, Muhammad Rashid Kamal Ansari and Muhmmad Ayub Khan Yousuf Zai
It is a continuation of our earlier studies regarding Astronomy and Space Science Education in Pakistan. Reviewing pre-university level curricula in Pakistan it was found that the ratio of Astronomy (A) and Space Science (SS) topics to the other topics is very low. Several proposals were given to improve the situation.
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Finite difference solution of the third order viscous wave equation.
Duncan O. Oganga, Michael O. Okoya, Shem O. Aywa, George O. Lawi and Joyce K. Nthiiri
A wave motion is the transmission of energy from one place to another through a material or a vacuum .Wave motion may occur in many forms such as water waves, sound waves, radio waves, light waves among other forms.
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On Ternary Quadratic Diophantine Equation:3x2+2y2=20z2. M.A.Gopalan, S.Vidhyalakshmi and A.Sathya
The Ternary Quadratic Diophantine Equation given by 3x2+2y2=20z2 is analysed for its patterns of non-zero distinct integral solutions.
A few interesting relations between the solutions and special polygonal numbers are exhibited.
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Using the H-Airframe Paradigm for Constructing Septa-Rotor Unmanned Helicopters. Petar Getsov, Svetoslav Zabunov and Garo Mardirossian
Using multi-rotor unmanned helicopters for various purposes becomes a practice in the recent years, due to the increased efficiency of electrical motors and batteries and at the same time their lowering cost. Multi-rotors are applicable in a number of situations, from pollution monitoring and disaster management to scientific research.
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Effect of temperature on volume thermal expansion of minerals. Mahipal Singh and Madan Singh
The present study is based on the volume thermal expansion of some minerals under the effect of temperature. The volume thermal expansion (V/V0) has been calculated using newly established integral form of equation of state (IFEOS) as proposed by Singh and Singh.
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Assessment of ground water quality (HAND pump) for some selected primary school in Tehsil Atarra, Dist. Banda U.P. Sadhana Chaurasia, Raj Karan and Nandini
Much of ill health that affects humanity, especially in the developing countries can be traced to lack of safe and wholesome water therefore groundwater samples were collected from six hand pumps of primary school of Atarra tehsil and analysed for its drinking water quality.
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Kinetics of Oxidation of Thiamine By Phosphate Radical Anions Protection By Caffecic Acid. Biyyala Sreedhar Rao and M. Anand Rao
The oxidation of thymidine by PO4 has been followed by measuring the absorbance of thymiine at 264 nm to 310 nm spectrophotometrically. The rates and the quantum yields (f) of oxidation of thymine by phosphate radical anion have been determined in the presence of different concentrations of caffeic acid. Increase in [caffeic acid] is found to decrease the rate of oxidation of thymine suggesting that caffeic acid acts as an efficient scavenger .
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AHP Technique Use For Develop Gis Model Of Groundwater Potential Zone In Parts Of Bhopal District. Amit Daiman and Narendra Gupta
Water is the most important natural resource that supports life of planetary Earth. It is the basic need of human to carry out their routine activities. In this case study, an attempt has been done to delineate groundwater potential zones in Kaliyasote Milli-Watershed in Bhopal district, Madhya Pradesh, India covering an area of 84 sq. km.
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Multiple Heterogeneous Intruder Detection System Using Wireless Sensor Networks. Ananth Abhishek Jillepalli, Deepak Vangala and Ravi Mathey
Multiple Heterogeneous Intruder Detection System using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is of practical and particular interest in many field applications such as identifying an intruder in a military battlefield communication network or in any sensitive information storage spaces including experiment labs.
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Life Time Maximization Of Wireless Sensor Network Using Modified As-Mac Protocol. S.Nandhini, C.Nanthini, S.Narmadha and Mr.T.Senthil
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a group of wireless nodes where each node consists of transceivers, microcontrollers, electronic sensors and power supply.
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Revival of Node Failure in Wireless Sensor Networks Using E3D Algorithm. k. Ganapathi, R. Kalaivani Sri
In wireless sensor network the main failure occurs due to the depletion of batteries. The FNR algorithm is used to reduce energy depletion and it creates a routing of data using the GD algorithm and replaces sensor nodes using the GA when the number of sensor nodes that are not functioning properly.
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Selection Of Leader To Achieve Energy Efficiency For Wireless Sensor Networks. S.Diwakaran M.E, M.Muthulakshmi, M. Pratheesha and S. Saraniya
Wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of sensor nodes. Sensor nodes are used to monitor physical or environment condition such as temperature, pressure, etc., the purpose of sensor node is to cooperatively pass their data through the network to the base station.
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Virtual Machine Monitors Improve Your Cloud Performance. C.Titus and S.Aparna
Cloud computing is quickly becoming the platform of choice for many web services. Virtualization is the key underlying technology enabling cloud providers to host services for a large number of customers.Effective resource management for shared storage systems is challenging, even in research systems with complete end-to-end control over all system components.
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Big Data Analysis for Retail Industry and Data Mining Techniques. P.Manikandan, S.Yuvarani and Dr.C.Jothi Venkateswaran
This research paper is analyzing big data from retail industry. The retail industry provides an exciting way of human life for their livelihood in this sector of the Indian economy. Retailers provide the goods and services from food, auto parts, apparel, home furnishings, appliances, and electronics to advice, home improvement, and skilled labor.
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Big Data Integration On Central And State Government Sectors. G.Thangaraju and Dr.X.Agnes Kala Rani
The term Data is nothing but a raw fact, it is growth in the computing technology as a information, database, DBMS, RDBMS, ORDBMS, DDBASES, DWHDB and the current era in the field of Big Data.
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A Modern Approach On Map Reduce Cluster Using Dynamic Slot Allocation Optimization Framework. B.Kayalvizhi and S.Karpagaselvi
Emerging technology and effective mechanism oriented approach makes Map Reduce a popular as well as important computing paradigm which dealing with big data process in cloud computing. The mechanism of un-optimized resource allocation is the severe drawback for slot based Map Reduce System. To overcome the failures of the optimize resource allocation we identify three aspect in this process in order to improve the resource allocation in an effective manner.
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Secure Miltary Communication Using Data Retrival. A.Vignesh Babu and Mr.Aji ME
Mobile nodes in military environments such as a battlefield or a hostile region are likely to suffer from intermittent network connectivity and frequent partitions. Disruption-tolerant network (DTN) technologies are becoming successful solutions that allow wireless devices carried by soldiers to communicate with each other and access the confidential information or com- mand reliably by exploiting external storage nodes.
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Rural Electrification. Sandeep Kumar, Parnal Patni and Abhishek Srivastava
In the present day scenario the major problem that India is facing is electrifying the whole country, which has not been possible even after 67 years of independence. This paper presents the design idea of a hybrid standalone system of an optimized PV solar and wind module for a rural home.
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