Cover Page IJESM_June_2014......
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Effects Of Chemical Reaction And Heat Generation On Mhd Free Convective Oscillatory Couette Flow Through A Variable Porous Medium. P.Lalitha, V. Manjulatha, S.V.K. Varma and V.C.C Raju
In this paper, the effects of chemical reaction and heat source on free convective oscillatory coquette flow of a viscous incompressible fluid through a variable porous medium bounded by two vertical parallel porous plates are analyzed.
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Differential Operators And Stability Analysis Of The Wage Function.
Olala, Gilbert Owuor
In this paper, a differential operator has been used to solve the wage equation. The subsequent wage function is analyzed and interpreted for stability. The equation incorporates speculative parameters operating in free range.
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Implementation Of TPM with Case study. Sumit Kumar Singh and Deepak Kumar
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the contributions of Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM) initiatives in reducing equipment breakdowns, increase equipment reliability and improve productivity. This will result in increased equipment utilization and life, reduced work stoppages and machine slowdowns, closer adherence to production and delivery schedules as well as increased employee morale.
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Study Of Recessional Pattern Of Glaciers Of Dhauliganga Valley, Uttrakhand, Indian Himalaya. Rahul Singh
The glacier study is important in the sense that it has a very direct relation with climate change. Any change in the climate can be read through glacier response. A number of Himalayan glaciers are reported to be shrinking. The retreat of Chipa glacier and Jhulang glacier in Dhauliganga valley was studied by interpreting time series optical satellite images obtained from Landsat, ASTER and IRS LISS III sensors.
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Homogenous Bi-Quadratic With Five Unknowns X4-Y4 = 26(Z2-W2)T2.
K.Meena, S.Vidhyalakshmi, N.Sujitha and M.A.Gopalan
Diophantine equations have an unlimited field for research by reason of their variety. In particular, the Bi-quadratic Diophantine equations, Homogenous and Non Homogenous have aroused the interest of numerous mathematicians since antiquity [1-5]. In this context one may refer [6-9] for problems on the bi-quadratic Diophantine equations with five variables.
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On Homogeneous Ternary Quadratic Diophantine Equation 2(X2+Y2)-3XY=16Z2. K.Meena, S.Vidhyalakshmi, M.A.Gopalan and S. Aarthy Thangam
The ternary quadratic homogeneous equation representing homogeneous cone given by 2(X2+Y2)-3XY=16Z2 is analyzed for its non-zero distinct integer points on it. Three different patterns of integer points satisfying the cone under consideration are obtained.
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Comparative study of Terminating Newton Iterations: in Solving ODEs. Ronald Tshelametse
The paper deals with the numerical solution of IVP's for systems of stiff ODE's with particular emphasis on implicit linear multistep methods (LMM), particularly the backward differentiation formulae (BDF).
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Semi-Parametric Estimation Of Px,Y({(X,Y)/X >Y}) For The Power Function Distribution. Dhanya M and E S Jeevanand
The stress-strength model describes the life of a component which has a random strength X and is subjected to random stress Y, in the context of reliability. The component will function satisfactorily whenever X>Y and it fails at the instant the stress applied to it exceeds the strength.
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