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Perception of Rural Consumers' towards FMCG- Washing soap: A study conducted in Siruguppa town & village in Bellary District in Karnataka State. Megharaja.B
The Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector is a corner stone of the Indian economy. This sector touches every aspect of human life. The FMCG producers have realized that there are ample opportunities for them to enter into the rural market.
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The Effect of Intermittent Traction Along with Neural Mobilization in Cervical Radiculopathy.
Sammer Liaqat, Umber Fatima and Mrs. Saleha Bhukhari
The main objective of the study is to find out the effectiveness of traction alone or traction along with neural mobilization in physiotherapeutic management of cervical radiculopathy.
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The Effect of Basic Physiotherapy Interventions along with Bobath Technique in Children with Neuro developmental Delay. Umber Fatima, Junaid Ijaz Gondal, Sammer Liaqat and Ambreen Ansar
Neurodevelopmental delay is characterized by the significant arrest of child's developmental process in one or more developmental domains. The various forms of neurodevelopmental delay include Global developmental delay, Specific developmental delay, Transient developmental delay and persistent developmental delay.
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A Mathematical Modelling To Study Radial Temperature Distribution In Human Limbs. Sonia Shivhare and Yogesh Shukla
An attempt has been made to study the application of bio heat transfer equation in solving cross sectional temperature distribution in the tissues of a human limb employing. The outermost surface of the limb is exposed to the atmosphere.
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Effect of Weave on Some Mechanical Properties of Handloom Cotton Fabrics.
Dr. Ashis Mitra and Dr. Prabir Kumar Choudhuri
Handloom Industry, although having tremendous potentiality in respect of employment generation, foreign money earning and economic upliftment of rural people, is now passing through a precarious situation owing to so many factors in this era of global competitiveness.
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Interval Valued Intuitionistic Q-Fuzzy Graphs. R.Nagarajan and K.Balamurugan
In this paper, we introduce the notion of interval - valued intuitionistic Q-fuzzy graphs and describe various methods of their construction. We also present the concept of interval-valued intuitionistic Q-fuzzy regular graphs.
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Fuzzy Soft Matrix And Multi Criteria In Decision Making Based On Weighted t-Norm Operators. Md. Jalilul Islam Mondal and Tapan Kumar Roy
The purpose of this paper is to put forward the notion of fuzzy soft matrix theory and some basic results. In this paper , we define fuzzy soft matrices and some new operators on weighted t-norms with properties . Lastly we have given an application in decision making based on different operators of weighted t-norms.
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(W, X)-Bipolar Fuzzy group and (W, X)- Bi-polar Fuzzy d-ideals. R.Nagarajan and S.Subramanian
In this paper, we apply the notion of bipolar-valued fuzzy set to groups. We introduce the concept of (w, z )-bipolar fuzzy groups / (fuzzy d-ideals of groups and investigate several properties.
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ABH Antigen into Body Fluids and Secretion. Vikas Kumar Singh
Forensic scientists collect the body fluid stains found at the scene of the crime and perform a variety of tests on them in order to find out the origin or where these fluids came from. One important aspect to serology is determining whether or not stain resembling blood or some other stain that bears a similar resemblance.
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A Comparative Study Of Fuzzy Neutrosophic Soft Matrix And Its Decision Making. R.Nagarajan and K.Venugopal
In this paper, we presented fuzzy neutrosophic soft matrices[FNSM] and their operators which are representative of the fuzzy neutrosophic soft sets. The matrix is useful for solving a fuzzy neutrosophic soft set[FNSS] in computer memory which are very useful and applicable.
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(a,B)-Fuzzy Soft Int-Groups Over Fuzzy Soft Interior Ideals. R.Nagarajan
The aim of the paper is to lay a foundation for providing a soft fuzzy algebraic tool in considering many problems that contain uncertainties. In order to provide these soft fuzzy algebraic structures, the notion of (a,B)-fuzzy soft int-groups which is a generalization of that fuzzy soft groups is provided.
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A New Fuzzy Tool to analyze the problems of Old age people. Ms. Kanimozhiraman and Dr. A. Praveen Prakash
In this paper, we presents a new fuzzy tool called Trapezoidal Fuzzy Cognitive Maps(TpFCM) to analyze the social problem. Usually in Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) we analyze the causes and effects of the relationships among the concepts to model the behavior of any system.
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