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Production Of Dried Chicken Meat Products Extended With Different Levels Of Soyaflour Concentration. K.Varalakshmi And Y.Babji
This paper analyses the effect of soyflour concentration on costs and profits of the dried meat products.The main objective of present study is the production of low-cost dried meat products utilizing different levels of extenders like soyflour and comparison of production cost and economics of extended products with the control product.
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Seepage Of Isothermal And Adiabatic Fluids Through Granular Media. Ngiangia Alalibo T. and Orukari Mercy A.
A study of the seepage of isothermal and adiabatic fluids in granular media was carried out. Approximation of the governing equations and its solutions and analysis showed that, in the isothermal case, increase in porosity of the photosphere and increase in its viscosity result in the decrease in pressure of the fluid while increase in permeability of the photosphere increases the pressure of the fluid.
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Mobile Application for Detecting the Adulterants of Milk for Public Health Awareness. Mrs. Rajeshwari. R, Agila.S, Nivethitha.P, Subashini.I And Uma Maheshwari.J
Milk is a habitual, health drink consumed by people of all countries. A large population in our country depends on milk from regional suppliers. Due to the high nutrient value and water content, milk serves as a fine medium for microbial growth. This demands high standards of hygiene in the production and distribution of dairy products such as milk.
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Stability Coditions Of Discrete-Time Prey-Predator Species With Scavenger. Alaa Hussein Lafta and V. C. Borkar
The discrete- time prey-predator species with scavenger model is proposed. All possible equilibrium points are found. Stability conditions of arising equilibrium points are analyzed with numerical examples. Further, the dynamical behavior of this model is very complicated.
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Estimation Of Oleoresin Content At Different Maturity Stages Of Paprika. Lekshmi S. L. and I. Sreelathakumary
Fifty three genotypes of paprika including the released varieties Arka Abir and Kt-Pl 19 were evaluated in the Department of Olericulture, College of Agriculture, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala to study the influence of three different harvest stages viz., turning stage, red ripe stage and withering stage on oleoresin content of paprika.
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Parallel Genetic Algorithms To Solve Optimization Problems. Girdhar Gopal, Rakesh Kumar And Ishan Jawa
Solving the Optimization problem efficiently is an open challenge in computer science. Most of problems in this category are hard to be solved in less time. As the problem size increases the solution becomes worse. Genetic Algorithms are used in past to get a good solution for these problems effectively.
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Monte Carlo Simulation Of Heterogeneous Ornl Woman Phantom Underwent Mammosite Or Multicatheter Interstitial Left Breast Brachytherapy. Mahmoud Suleiman A. Dahoud and Iskandar Shahrim Mustafa
Monte Carlo simulation plays a key role in both research and clinical practice; it has become an essential tool in dosimetry in modern brachytherapy to determine dose distributions around radioactive source. The measurements of absorbed doses in organs are required to protect it against any type of ionizing radiation, but implantation dosimeters inside human body organs is impossible that makes the dose measurements not measurable.
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The Effect Of Rapid Cooling On The Relative Sensitivity Of Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (Tld-100h). Mahmoud Dahoud
The sensitivity of TLD is an important issue due the need of accurate dosimetry and the reuse of thermoluminescent dosimeters. Annealing procedures for many times and environment affect its sensitivity. The first step before using dosimeter is to determine relative sensitivity for dosimeters to be used, and then low sensitive dosimeters cannot be used in measuring exposure signals, so it must be excluded.
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Doses For Organs At Risk For Patient Undergoing Mammosite Brachytherapy System Of Left Breast With Hdr Ir-192. Mahmoud Suleiman A. Dahoud and Iskandar Shahrim Mustafa
Limited dosimetric data using human phantom were used to predict dosimetric information about the hazard of radiation delivered to adjacent organs to the left breast during the use of MammoSite single lumen applicator. This study uses Rando� female phantom, TLD 100H, and treatment planning to measure doses delivered to PTV, Breast, and OARs.
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Doses For Organs At Risk For Patient Undergoing Mammosite Or Interstitial Left Breast Brachytherapy. Mahmoud Suleiman A. Dahoud.And Iskandar Shahrim Mustafa
The increasing number of breast cancer cases over the world motivates researchers to do their effort in development of a safe radiation therapy that has the ability to target the tumor itself and spare adjacent organs. The recommendations of science communities give a wide choice for physicians and patients to choose a suitable and safe brachytherapy technique to cure breast cancer cases.
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Sign Language Interpreter With Android. Kalidas Tate, Abhishek Gangdhar And Shradha Bhujbal
This paper presents the complete design of Sign Language Interpreter with lost cost with usage of android phone and wireless communication. Today, we are living in the 21st century where technology is increasing and advancing every second we breathe and in which human life plays a vital role.
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Detection Of The Background Suppressed Compton Scattered Peaks For The 180o Reflected 511 Kev ? -Ray By The ?- ??Coincidence Technique. Ayan Ghosh
In the present project work we have carried out an experimental technique where background suppressed Compton scattered (180o) peaks for the 511 keV ?-ray have been detected by the ?-??coincidence spectroscopic technique. Here we use positron annihilated two oppositely (~ 180o) directed 511 keV ???rays. Positrons from a radioactive nucleus (22Na) have been used for the present work.
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