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Asymptotic Properties Of MLE In Stochastic Differential Equations With Random Effects In The Drift Coefficient. Alkreemawi Walaa Khazal,Alsukaini Mohammed Sari And Wang Xiang jun
In this paper, a class of statistical modelsis proposed, where random effects are inserted into onedimensional stochastic differential equations (SDEs) model; SDE defined N independent stochastic processes(X_i (t),t? [0,T_i ] ),i=1,....,N. The drift term dependent on a random variable?_i,we have been discussedtheparametric estimation of the density of the random effect?_iwithin two kinds of mixed models.
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A Mathematical Model For The Age - Related Analysis Of Inhibin A, Inhibin B And Activin A Relative To The Intercycle Monotropic Follicle Stimulating Hormone Rise In Normal Ovulatory Women. Dr.S.Lakshmi And Sheeja K
The Beta - Weibull distribution is a highly flexible one and due to its flexibility it can be accommodate the four types of the risk function (increasing, decreasing, unimodal and bathtub). Depending on its parameters it can be used in a variety of problems in modeling survival data.
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Analysis Maximum And Minimum Principles On Harmonic Functions With killed Brownian motion. Mohamed M.Osman
The intention of paper uniform lower and upper bounds for positive finite element approximations to semi linear elliptic equations in several space dimensions subject to mixed Dirichet - Neumann boundary conditions are derived . The discrete maximum principle also holds for degenerate diffusion coefficients.
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Analysis Maximum And Minimum Principles on Maximum Riemannian Manifolds. Mohamed M.Osman
In this paper uniform upper and lower continuous function on manifolds spaces with curvature bounds on and applications compact Riemannian boundary is complete with Ricci and we prove is spectral and Direct computatations on spectrum .
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Comparative Study Of Energy Saving In Theme Based Area By Luminary Replacement Strategy. Buchade P.B.
Considerable consumption of power take place at different location like corridors, class rooms, laboratories, reading halls, and conference rooms in an educational institute. Light Emitting Diode (LED) and Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL) bulbs have revolutionized energy-efficient lighting.
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Finite Difference Method For The Burgers Equation. Wabuti S Protus
Burgers equation: ut + uux = ?uxx is a fundamental partial differential equation arising from fluid mechanics. It occurs in various areas of applied mathematics, such as modeling of gas dynamics and traffic flow. It was named after Johannes Martinus Burgers (1895 - 1981).
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Socio-Economic Variables Affecting Empowerment Of Women In Nepal: A Statistical Investigation(A Case Study Of Kanchanpur). Narendra Bahadur Chand,Dr Manoj Kumar Pande And Dr Spersh Bhatt
The idea of Women Empowerment came forward when the Third International Women's Conference at Nairobi in 1985 introduced and defined "women empowerment- as a redistribution of social power and control of resources in favor of Women" (Goswami, 2013).
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Production Of Dried Chicken Meat Products Extended With Different Levels Of Soya Flour Concentration. K.Varalakshmi And Y.Babji
This paper analyses the effect of soyflour concentration on costs and profits of the dried meat products.The main objective of present study is the production of low-cost dried meat products utilizing different levels of extenders like soyflour and comparison of production cost and economics of extended products with the control product.
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Youth Empowerment A Panacea For Unemployment In Kogi State,Nigeria. Dr. Cletus Usman Idoko And Mr. Michael Ocheni Onoja
This study was designed to determine the effects of youth empowerment on youth unemployment in Kogi State. Three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Data for the study were collected from 2500 youths in 10 local government areas of the State using structured questionnaires.
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Direct Steady State Thermoelastic Problem Of A Thin Annular Disc. Mrs. Shinde Anjali K.
In this paper, an attempt has been made to study thermoelastic response of a thin annular disc occupying the space D: a ? r ? b, -h ? z ? h, with the stated boundary conditions. The temperature, displacement and stress functions of the disc are determined by using the finite Hankel transform techniques.
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New Method To Calculate The Matrix Exponential. Mohammed Abdullah Salman And V. C. Borkar
Matrix exponential is widely used in science area especially in matrix analysis. We pay particular attention to the matrix exponential. The matrix exponential is a very important subclass of control theory. In control theory it is needed to evaluate matrix exponential.
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Operator Theory On Differential Riemannian Geometry. Mohamed M.Osman
This paper develop the Riemannian geometry of classical gauge theories , on compact dimensional manifolds, some important properties of fields , the manifold structure of the configuration space , we study the problem of differentially projection mapping parameterization system by constructing rank on surfaces dimensional is sub manifold space .
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Interdisciplinary Teaching Of Differential Equations For Life Sciences: Modeling The Cell Growth. Jose Arturo Molina Mora
The challenges in education include continuous improvement and searching for new strategies in the management of teaching and learning. Interdisciplinary teaching offers the possibility of improving the efficiency of the teaching-learning process by combining biological concepts or situations, making the simulation of natural phenomena and their mathematical and computational analysis.
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Medical Diagnosis And Statistical Errors. Gayatri Behere
Medical diagnosis involves the process of determining the disease. But there is always a risk of making errors in diagnosis. Judging a sick person well is more to be avoided than judging a well person sick. This informal norm for handling uncertainty is part of the subculture of the medical profession.
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Hypersurface Of A Lorentzian Para-Sasakian Manifold. Lakhan Singh and Shailendra Kumar Gautam
In this paper, we have studied the hypersurface of a Lorentzian para-sasakian manifold. The non-vanishing condition for the scalar function h on the hypersurface, has also been discussed.
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