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The Importance Of Strategic Direction For The Growth Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprises: A Case Study. ManojSuranga and KanikaGarg
GMH Organics is a medium size pharmaceutical enterprise in Haryana, India which manufactures dry powder injectable since 2007. This was established as a partnership organization under the GMH Group.
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Emotional Intelligence And Academic Achievement Among Graduate Students. S.K. Srivastava and Naveen Pant
The present research is conducted to investigate the contribution of emotional intelligence to academic achievement among graduate students. The sample consist of 200 students, 100 each from Hindi and English medium (50-girls and 50 -boys). Emotional Intelligence scale developed by Chadha (2000) is employed and the academic performance is considered as academic achievement.
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Teach Us To Fish And Farm: Model For Entrepreneurship Education In Ghana. Benjamin Mordedzi
Ghanaians live in a world of change. The challenge to schools is to equip young people to deal with this change in new and novel ways. The basis of this change is entrepreneurship education. The aim of this conceptual paper is to provide a model for entrepreneurship education for schools in Ghana.
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Food Security In India After Independence. DR .Mohammad Shahalam Khan
Food security is defined as availability (of food production in the country), accessibility (reach ability of food to all) and affordability (capacity to buy food of the population) to buy food that meets people's dietary needs.
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Explores The Concept Government Employees And Illustrated In The Iranian legal system. Dr.AliFaghih Habibi
In this research project was to study the concept and objective of government employees. Civil liability and civil liability of the state where acts of their employees to their actions ranging from governance and tenure. That is if your district and state government employees to be damaged individuals, the loss must be compensated.
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A Study On Socio- Economic Status Of Dairy Workers In Madurai City. Dr.A.Kumudha
Dairy sectors are important not only as the producer of highly nutritious food products, but also for the sustenance of poor farmers and over all prosperity of the farming community. Dairy farming is a profitable business. It provides an excellent opportunity for self-employment of unemployed youth.
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Influence Of Patriarchal Traditions On Women Decision To Migrate. Deodatus Katabaro Buberwa and Venance Mutayoba
The study was done in four selected villages in Dodoma region and three selected streets from Dar es Salaam city and Dodoma town. The intention of the study was to find out how patriarchy ideology influences rural-urban migration for women. Specifically this paper uses some of the findings to explain how patriarchal traditions influences women decision to migrate.
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Quality Education In Urban Area- The Status Of Rajasthan. Zainab Farhat and Dr Nagendra Ambedkar Sole
The assurance in Quality of education is the main priority of the policy agenda. The government should design mechanisms stimulating the socio- economic development of the education system. This is the era of change and the role and responsibility of the state have changed drastically.
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The Atman Of Advaita Vedanta Of Sankara: An Analysis. Vipin Tirkey
The knowledge of Brahman cannot be expressed precisely because it is beyond description; it is what may be said as an intuitive experience. The Metaphysical implication of this experience is that the Absolute Reality is non-different. This is the highest Reality of Advaita Vedanta, that to recognise that the Absolute Reality and that Atman are identical, in order to say that there is no essential difference between Atman and Brahman.
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Using Social Medias, Cloud Computing For Delivering Library Services. Mikita D. Thakkar And Jalpa D. Thakkar
Today in the age of information technology library users are more techno savvy and required micro information about the subject. The technological revolution has influenced the libraries so deeply and profoundly. Social Networking sites are one of the new technologies offering libraries the opportunity to reach out or to satisfy the requirements of its clients.
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An Insight Into Social Sciences: A Review Of Its Strengths And Relevance To Global Challenges In The Present Era. Richa Aggarwal
The present paper throws light on the real essence of the word 'social' as a science and the evidences of its deep roots followed by its development in the early centuries. It emphasizes that Science being producing secure and trustworthy truths due to its practical approach and having a great contribution to the new modernized society is due to the strengths of the intellectual society.
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Post-Islamic Period In Kashmir The Answer For Many Rhetorical Questions. Ishtiyaq Ahmad Mir
Islam in Kashmir is such a concept on which bulky volumes has been written and in those volumes every nook and crook has been answered. But in the present case no doubt we are also dealing with Islam and its ideology but furthermore there are certain questions that we are raised in this research paper.
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Need Of Environmental Education In Teacher Education. Niharika Gautam
Environmental education is important to trigger proactive participation of the teachers and the teacher educators in addressing, debating and protesting on significant environmental issues. This article describes the aims and objectives of environmental education, need and environmental educations, categorizes the environmental education, enlists different examples of formal as well as non-formal education, and discuss the importance of environmental education and teaches the awareness raising strategies.
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Social networking sites and their role in Scholarly communication: a Study of Amrapali institute, Haldwani. Karnika Nigam and Dr. M.P. Singh
Research Problem: The present study revealed about the use of social networking sites by the faculty members of Central Himalayan region. Amrapali Institute, Haldwani of Uttrakhand technical university of has been taken for the study, which is situated at this region
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Differences In Deviant Behaviour Among High School Students Of Jammu City. Shifali Sharma
Deviants are rejectors of the society who deviate from the society by the virtue antisocial behavior and who are unable to accept the norms of the society or who are unable to adjust to society or cannot accept a clear role to the society. Deviants are tender-mined, sensitive and rejected. They possess irritability.
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Private Costs Of Pre Service Teacher Education Programme: By Type Of Institutions, Gender And Nature Of Residence. Prof. Usha Mishra and Ms. Prerna Mandhyan
None can deny the importance of teachers in their life. The Education Commission (1964-66) observed, "The destiny of India is being shaped in her classrooms" and that 'as is the teacher, so is the nation' to emphasize about the importance of the teachers. Research suggests that pre-service teacher education often provides the first step in the professional development of teachers. mong students which isthe product of interaction between many factors likehome environment, school environment, society and culture.
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Incorporation Of Sanitation And Toilet Related Issues In Curriculum At School, College And University Level. M. Ramakrishna Reddy
India's bookish apprenticeship area today has undergone several modifications back the 1880s if apprenticeship was aboriginal alien by the Christian Missionaries. Until the aboriginal 1990s the apprenticeship action was abounding with gender disparities in enrolment, dropout, achievement and accepted attainment.
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Health Care Services And Financial Management In India. Dr.M.Padmaja and Vishnu Tej Bondu Muni
Health means a state of 'complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity'. The present paper is based on secondary data. The paper deals with health care services and financial management in India. We have talked of health care and its provision.
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Extremism In Pakistan: Need To Refreshing The Garden Through Reformation. Faheem Akhter
Pakistan came into being as a truly democratic Islamic state,she was once a state with strong economy, stable government and policies. The golden principles of peace, liberty, and justice were preserved in its basic idea which led to the creation of an independent state. But regrettably the coming generation failed to implement the vision of forefathers.
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Corporate Social Responsibility Of It Companies In India. Prerna Chandel
Information Technology is one of the most important industries in the Indian economy. The IT sector has grown at a high pace in the Indian business environment. The IT industry of India has registered huge growth in recent years. India's IT industry grew from 150 million US Dollars in 1990-1991 to a whopping 50 billion UD Dollars in 2006-2007.
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Indigo Culture In South Carolina, 1740 - 1800. S.P. Prem Singh Muthubalan
South Carolina is one of the states of United States of America.Its frontiers were North Carolina in the north, Atlantic Ocean in the east, Georgia in the South and south west. The state situated in the south eastern side of the country. It was triangular in shape and the area of the state is 31,113 square miles.
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Psychological Maltreatment Of Children In Kashmir. Mudasir Rasool Mir
Background: Psychological maltreatment is the most damaging and persistent form of child abuse. The aim of this study was to explore and describe the psychological maltreatment among children.
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A Comparative Qualitative Analysis Of Teachers' Professional Identity In Malaysia and Bangladesh: Implications For Educational Reforms And Development. Asim Das, Associate Prof. TatsuyaKusakabe, Associate Prof Dr Mohd Ali Samsudin, Simeon, Moses Irekpita and Low Hui Min
The interplay between teachers' professional identities and their contextual factors in Malaysia and Bangladesh were compared in the study. The study employed the use of a qualitative approach through structured interviews and discussion with novice teachers in the two regions in Asia. A purposive sampling procedure was used in the selection of schools and teachers to be interviewed.
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Procreation, Policies And State. Garima Yadav
Pregnancy when situated in a medical and institutional paradigm can be deconstructed into its concrete stages of pre to post natal care, allowing us to study and analyse the manner in which pregnancy becomes a 'controlled' and scientific endeavour, made up of routine, systematic, patterns of childbirth.
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A Study On Effectiviness Of Performance Appraisal In Foam Matings India Ltd Alapuzha. Mrs.P.Kowsalya and Dr.R.Karthikeyan
The study is an outcome of the topic 'A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL IN FOAM MATINGS INDIA LTD ALAPUZHA' The main objective is to study various dimensions of performance appraisal of employees concept Descriptive type of research design has been used for this study.
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Human Rights: A Hegemonic Practice Or A Real Acknowledgment. Khalil A Banday
There is a consensus all around the world that all individuals are entitled to certain basic rights under any circumstances. These include certain civil liberties and political rights, the most fundamental of which is the right to life and physical safety. Human rights are the articulation of the need for justice, tolerance and mutual respect, and human dignity in all of our activity.
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Companies Act, 2013- An Insight. Dr Suprava Sahu
What makes an economy or a country developed, developing or least developed? Undoubtedly the answer that comes to our mind is the level of economic activities backed by industrial growth, development and prosperity. If we talk of industrial activities, the corporates will have a lion's share in it.
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Politics of Islamization In Pakistan: A Critical Study Of Jama'at-i-Islami's Endeavors For Constitutional Reforms (1947-1956). Dr. Mazher Hussain, Muhammad Subtain, Dr. Shahid Hassan Rizvi and Mian Muhammad Ahmad
Interplay of religion and politics in Pakistan has been an appealing field of interest even before the partition of United India. After Indian independence in 1947, Jama'at-i-Islami, once its anti-partition stance during the days of Pakistan Movement, came on the forefront for Islamization of the forthcoming Constitution.
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Religion And Politics In The Undivided India: An Estimate Of Jama'at-I-Islami's Views About Pakistan Movement And Indian Partition. Dr. Mazher Hussain, Muhammad Subtain and Mian Muhammad Ahmad
This study deals with the political activities of Jama'at-i-Islami during the Pakistan Movement. The religio-political sentiments arose in Maulana Maududi after the failure of Khilafat Movement and later between 1938 and 1941. In these circumstances Maulana Maududi decided to give an organizational shape to his ideas.
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Women In New Profession: A Study Of Women In The Tourism Industry Of Kerala. Dr Lekshmi V Nair and Dr Sonny Jose
Tourism is one of the fastest developing businesses globally, growing on an scale of 4-6 per cent annually (UNWTO, 2004). Originating from the Eurpoean tradition of the 'Grand Tour' in the mid-1800s, it has flourished on account of the revolution in the civil aviation industry, coupled with globalisation that pave wave for 'open skies' policy, as well as the emergence of the WTO that opened up borders for trade and commerce.
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Critical Thinking :Review Of Theories And Models. Attalah Mohamed Alatawi Mohd Zuri Ghani Aswati Hamzah
The future of nations and their progress, as far as science and developed technology are concerned, largely depend on the interest in and care for the gifted and talented student and on providing the suitable climate to launch their creative potentials and develop the critical thinking skills .
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A Study Of Conflict Resolution Strategies Adopted By Principals In Relation To Their Emotional Intelligence And Organizational Climate. Dr Ajay Kumar
The study examined the conflict resolution strategies adopted by principals in relation to their emotional intelligence and organizational climate. Data was collected by multistage random sampling technique from a sample of 250 principals of private senior secondary schools of five districts of Punjab (Moga, Ludhiana, Patiala, Ferozjpur and Jalandhar).
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Understanding Didactic Text For A Better Standatisation (Case Study: Archaeological Museum Of Apollonia). Dorina Xheraj-Subashi
The exhibition is the first tool of communication into a museum and in the same time with the public. So a museum can transmit its message by using their objects, in this way they create the discourse. The main scope of this paper will be focused in clarify the museum standards and practices in the archaeological museum of Apolonia situated in Fieri district (Albania).
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Review Of Triztheory. Attalah Mohamed Alatawi Mohd Zuri Ghani Aswati Hamzah
As discussed above, TRIZ program is a flexible, dynamic,This is an analytical tool that incorporates most basic concepts of TRIZ into a system of problem solving. It is composed of a sequence of procedures for defining the problem and deriving proposed solutions, This paper shows a glance at the TRIZ theory and present 10 principles in TRIZ program speralion, preliminary, blessing, copying, discarding, segmentation, nesting, inversion, color changes, phase transitions.
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Research Scholar's Information Seeking Behavior In Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India - A Study. DR. bellan subramanian
The study investigated the information needs and seeking behavior of research scholars in Bharathidasan University. A cross sectional survey was carried out, with samples of respondents from all the departments. The sample consists of 104 research scholars selected from all the departments. The chi-square statistic was used to test the stated hypotheses.
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Mobile Phone Addiction Among Undergraduate College Students Of Guwahati Metropolitan Area: A Study. Dr. Madhusmita Devi
One of the crucial and most important communication technologies of 21st Century is the emerging fast and vast trend of usage of mobile phones. In terms of personal communication, it has replaced and surpassed all the communication mediums in today's world. Though it has made our lives easier in various facets of our life but its long term usage has brought upon various problems associated with human behaviour and psychology.
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Effect Of Soft Skills Education On Self Competence Of Pre-Service Teacher Trainees. Dr. Manminder Kaur and Ms. Swati Kanojia
The present paper is based on the study of impact of soft skills Education on self competence of pre-service teacher trainees. Soft Skills refers to the practice of skill sets that are crucial to an employee's ability to work better, smarter and more effectively. Soft skills are combination of impressive behavior, positive attitude, outstanding communication skills, leadership abilities and the ability to get along with and influence others.
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School Organizational Climate, Teachers' Individual Characteristics, And Teachers' Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study In Christian Elementary Schools Of Merauke District, Indonesia. Basilius Redan Werang, Tarsisius Kana and Seli Marlina Radja Leba
Job satisfaction is a subjective mental disposition of an employee toward his or her work.This present study aimed to investigate the effect of school organizational climate and teachers'individual characteristic on teachers' job satisfaction in Christian elementary schools of Merauke district, Indonesia.
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Imagination Of Indian Nationalism In Andhra: An Understanding Of Ideas Of Unnava Lakshminarayana(1877-1958). Krishna Chaitanya Mopidevi
After studying the ideas present in the Telugu novel Malapalli written by Unnava Lakshminarayana, a social reformer and nationalist from Telugu speaking region of India. I propose in this article that the novel projects the nationalist ideology of Unnava Lakshminarayana;
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Education To Adolescents On Hiv/Aids At Selected Schools Of Delhi. Ms. Swapna M K
Adolescents is the age of curiosity and it is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. One fifth of the world's population is represented by them. Development of knowledge and attitude take place during this period, which can have lifelong effects on the individual, family and society.
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Impact Of Socio-Cultural Event On Water Quality: A Case Study Of Dhanuyatra An Open Air Roving Drama. Dr S.N. Panda, Mrs.S.R.Mishra and S.P. Ratha
In the present study we have examined the effect of gathering during socio cultural activities on various water sources of Bargarh town which includes 5 community pond (CP) representing surface water , 5 tube wells representing ground water (GW) , 1 river and I canal representing flowing water(FW) located in different parts of Bargarh town, basically where different activities of Dhanuyatra are perfomed .
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Exploring The Link Between Rejection Sensitivity, Attachment Pattern And Socio-Emotional Adjustment Of Adolescents Living In Orphanage And With Their Parents. Geetika Sachdeva and RabiyaYasmin
Rejection sensitivity refers to defensively expect, perceive and over-react to perceived rejection by others and has been theorized to originate from early attachment pattern. However, this hypothesized link remains untested. The present study examines the link between Rejection Sensitivity (RS), Attachment Pattern (AP) and Socio-Emotional Adjustment (SA & EA) among adolescent's living in orphanages and those living with their parents.
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Students' Attitude Towards Higher Education. Dr. Smitha Pillai
It is very frequently observed that students sign up for higher studies with less interest or take is casually. Moreover, there are very few institutions in India who are giving quality inputs so as to instill the learning skills amongst students. Higher Education System in India compare to developing and developed countries needs considerable improvement.
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P2P Lending: An Overview Of Indian P2p Lending Platforms 1500 Deposit. Dr.Rupinder Katoch
In this age of sophisticated technology and rapid economic growth, India still has a largely unbanked and underserved population by the country's financial institutions. With more than 50% of the population with no access to formal funding, the country has largely been reliant on borrowing from friends and family, community, or the private money lenders.
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Sustainable Tourism Practices In Dharmshala, Mecleodganj, District, Kangra Of Himachal Pradesh, India. Vineet Kumar
With the globalisation and the present day demand for the tourism, it has become not only important but mandatory to adopt the sustainable tourism practices to maintain the resources for future generation. It would not be wrong to say that sustainable tourism practices help to make a positive impact on environment, society & economy.
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Leveraging Human Resource Through Employee Self Service In HRIS. Mrs. Madhura K. Mane
Researchers realized the strategic importance of HRM only recently. Companies started to documentways of creating business value through proper management of workforce. HRM was initially called Personnel management that consisted of routine administrative and transactional work related to HR.
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Education In Culture: An Anthropological Approach. Jaydeep Mondal and Dr. Abhijit Das
Education is the process, either formal or informal of acquiring knowledge and skills leading to the development of understanding attitudes and values. Formal education is organized instruction of undertaken of society. The education system can be divided into two broad categories such as formal and informal education system.
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The Psychological Contract: Anticipated Nature Of Employee-Institution Expectations. Dr.Latha Siddapur
The psychological contract describes a phenomenon that occurs customarily within the minds of employers and workers. The time interval governs all of the techniques and expectations that employees have about their jobs and entails beliefs about their roles and responsibilities as employees.
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Organizational Alternate Causal Factor And Employees Conduct: An Apparent View Of Psychological Contract. Dr.Latha Siddapur
Organizational alternate as a strategic instrument has influenced psychological contracts and clearly changed the character of employment relationships in brand new corporations. There may be a regular stress on firms to adapt new applied sciences, be aggressive in markets, keep in mind strategic outlook, mergers and acquisitions, globalization and plenty of others.
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Human Resource Management In Twenty First Century: Issues & Challenges & Possible Choices To Reap Competitiveness. Dr.Latha Siddapur
This paper file on the human resource Management in twenty first century: disorders and challenges and its options to achieve competitiveness. Science has modified the entire lot with first-rate extent, the approaches of development, the process of recruitment, the learning systems, and new gear and many others; now it's as a lot as HR personnel's to work with their choices as validated underneath to pleasant control the employees.
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Reviews In Theproblem Solving. Attalah Mohamed Alatawi MohdZur iGhaniAswatiHamzah
Problem solving is considered one of the thinking processes, which is utilized by the individuals upon facing a problem or a challenging situation. The purpose of the problem solving is to find solutions to the problem or the challenge. Facing problems and challenges is considered frequent, dynamic events that the individual face during his/her development and interactions.
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The Relationship Between Critical Thinking And Problem Solvingfor Talented. Attalah Mohamed AlatawiMohdZuriGhaniAswatiHamzah
A myriad of research supports the fact that at critical thinking is a crucial element for problem solving . Moreover, there is a positive correlation between the critical thinking and the ability of the individual to perform problem solving.Simply put, the critical thinking asks: What is the value and truth of the thing?
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Problem Solving:Review Of Theories And Models. Attalah Mohamed AlatawiMohdZuriGhaniAswatiHamzah
Facing a problem imposes stress and anxiety on the individual, which in turn generates a strong drives in the individual to seek problem solving. There are various theoretical approaches for problem solving depending on the relationship of the approach to the process of learning. This paper shows some of the theoretical approaches that attempt to understand the process of problem solving.
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General Agreement On Trade In Services: A Critical Analysis. Vaishali Thakur
The most significant change in the International trade is the inclusion of services. The global economy witnessed significant changes in the service sector. Five years of studies, discussions, explorations and negotiations at Uruguay Round resulted in GATS and were enforced on 1 January, 1995.
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Treatment Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby. Viplav Kumar Mandal
This paper attempts to read Fitzgerald‟s epoch-making novel The Great Gatsby as a vcultural discourse of super-charged times. The post First World War was a time of great social,economic, and cultural upheaval across the globe.
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Spatial Domain Image Fusion Techniques. C. Morris & R.S. Rajesh
The target of Image fusion is to join the information from number of images of a similar scene from various sensors or the images with spotlight on various objects. The after effect of image fusion is a image which is progressively enlightening and of better quality.
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Dr. Milan S. Shah, Dr. Yagnesh M Dalvadi
The study is an Empirical study of Factor governing the behaviour of the individual investor in the equity market in India. The factor of study is accounting factors, subjective factors, neutral factors, advocate recommendation and personal financial needs.
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Dr. Shri Govinda Pandey
The term physical education is always confusing in the history as physical training, physical culture, games, health education, recreation etc. Physical education is something more than these as it is considered as the phase of complete educational experience, which is related to growth and development human organism. It has also been the human survival through the muscular activities as its part. it refers more than athletics for physically gifted students. It refers to an instructional programmer emotional and mental well-being for every student. To establish an healthy environment in the school there are different physical programmers planned in a scientific manner. At the same various programmers in the formal and non formal activities are planned for the physical and health oriented activities to create an opportunity to the people of society specially.
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Paper in Hindi
Abdesh Singh
An Empirical Study on Public Distribution System a Tool of Food Security in India
Gunjan Kumar
This study was conducted to assess the functioning of the Public Distribution System (PDS) in
Bihar—a state in Bihar faced with multiple challenges of poverty, malnutrition, and hunger and
known for rampant inefficiencies in the PDS. The results, based on analysis of the National Sample
Survey Organization (NSSO) data and the microlevel evidences obtained from the Village Level
Studies, indicate a positive turnaround in the functioning of PDS in the state. Apart from a marked
improvement in cereal consumption and calorie gains across rural and urban areas, the outreach
of PDS expanded with significant enhancement in participation by the weaker sections of the
society. In coverage and public expenditure, it is considered to be the most important food security
network. However, the food grains supplied by the ration shops are not enough to meet the
consumption needs of the poor or are of inferior quality.The average level of consumption of PDS
seeds in Bihar is only 1 kg per person per month. The PDS has been criticised for its urban bias
and its failure to serve the poorer sections of the population effectively. The targeted PDS is costly
and gives rise to much corruption in the process of extricating the poor from those who are less
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The Impact of Indian Taxation system on its Economic Growth
Reena Dubey
Tax structure in India is a three tier federal structure. The central government, state
governments, and local municipal bodies make up this structure. Article 256 of the constitution
states that “No tax shall be levied or collected except by the authority of law”. Hence, each and
every tax that is collected needs to backed by an accompanying law. Tax structure in India is a
three tier federal structure. The central government, state governments, and local municipal
bodies make up this structure. Article 256 of the constitution states that “No tax shall be levied or
collected except by the authority of law”. Hence, each and every tax that is collected needs to
backed by an accompanying law.Interestingly, the tax system in India traces its origin to the
prehistoric texts such as Arthashastra and Manusmriti. As proposed by these manuscripts, the
taxes paid by farmers and artisans in that era would be in the form of agricultural produce, silver
or gold. Based on these texts, the foundation of the modern tax system in India was conceptualised
by the Sir James Wilson during the British rule in India in the year, 1860. However, postindependence the newly-established Indian Government then soldered the system to propel the
economic development of the country. After this period, the Indian tax structure has been subject
to a host of changes.
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A Study on Challenges for Rural livelihood and Agriculture in India
Swati kumari
we deliberate upon the role of the non-farm sector in the food systems. We argue that livelihood
diversification in rural India would lead to an overall economy-wide increase in productivity,
and facilitate swifter structural transformation and poverty reduction. We highlight the role of
the non-farm sector for job creation in rural areas, especially along the rural-urban continuum
for structural transformation to take place. Policy has not yet leveraged the potential of small
towns and the peri-urban spaces as a means to create new job opportunities. We focus on these
blurring of the rural-urban distinction which provide an opportunity to diversify the portfolio of
economic opportunities available to rural households, thereby enabling greater rural income
and improved access to food and nutrition.The Govt. of Bihar has provided US$175 million in
counterpart funding for the program and recognizes JEEViKA as the lead implementing agency
for several other state and national level programs. JEEViKA has crowded in strategic
investments from several other leading organizations including the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation (BMGF) and Department for International Development (DFID) to bring in high
quality technical assistance in agriculture value chains, nutrition and sanitation behavior
change communications and digital financial services.Bihar, one of India’s poorest and most
populous State, had poor development infrastructure and service delivery and a complex
political and social fabric. Limited inclusion of women in governance, local government
institutions and their severely limited access to economic opportunities, services and finance
made inclusive rural development an especially urgent and challenging agenda for the
State.Delivery of financial services was highly constrained with bank branch density at less than
half of national average. Against an estimated rural micro-credit demand of US$2.4 billion, the
annual credit delivery in 2006 was US$8.4 million. As a result, a vast section of the poor was
dependent on high cost borrowings from informal sources. This limited asset and capital
formation and development of self-employment opportunities among the poor, reinforcing deep
rooted and exploitative relationships with additional hardships
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Paper in Other Language
Pacifism and Peace Societies: The 19th century Context.
Dr. Shivani Singh
The ideas of peace and war simultaneously dominated the political domain of the European continent during the 19th century. The middle ages in Europe witnessed the climax of political and state supported acts of violence in the form of the Thirty Years War (1618 to 1648).
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The Change and Extension of ‘Bhaona’: Socio-Historical and Literary Context.
Sadness Explosions in folk Songs
Dr.Pushpa Bharathi R.A
Paper in hindi
रवींद्र नाथ टैगोर के दार्शनिक एवम शैक्षिक विचारो का अध्ययन
डॉ रमाकान्द्त यादि
Paper in Hindi
Dr. Manoj Kumar Tomar
डॉ. भीमराम अम्बेडकर का सामाजिक संघर्ष एवं महापरिनिर्वाण
डॉ. गुलाब चन्द मीना
Ecological Aspects , Challenges and Environmental Effect
Dr Mali Ram Verma
राजस्थान में विषिष्ट दलीय समर्थन का प्रतिमान: अलवर जिले के सन्दर्भ में
डॉ. पूरण चन्द जाट
The Doctrine of Jihad in Islam: Past and Present
Dr. Arvinder Singh
Islam has five pillars of faith or five religious obligations, which each Muslim must fulfill in his everyday activities.
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खाटूष्यामजी में धार्मिक पर्यटन: एक अध्ययन
डा.योगेष कुमार सबल
भारत में संचार के प्रमुख माध्यमों का बदलता स्वरूप
Dr Alka
पाणिनीयव्याकरणस्य वैज्ञानिकतत्त्वम्
डॉ राम गोपाल शर्मा