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Rural Women Empowerment Thourgh Self Help Groups With Special Reference To Rasapalayam Village In Cuddalore District. K. Chandra Kumar And I. Savarimuthu
Self-Help Groups (SHGs) have emerged as popular method of working with people in recent years. Since SHG based micro finance programs cover a large number of women, it is expected that such programmers will have an important bearing on women's empowerment. Women empowerment is a process in which women challenge the existing norms and culture to effectively promote their wellbeing.
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Assessment Of Service Quality In Indian Banks. Dr. Namrata Verma
In the present competitive economy banking sector has been facing dynamic challenges in concerning both customer's base and performance. The indispensable competitive strategic role of this sector is vital one in managing the customers.
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A Brief Study Of Indian Constitution In The Context Of Citizenship. Kanwal Marwaha
The Constitution is a living and organic document. It cannot remain static and must grow with the nation. The Constitutional provisions have to be construed broadly and liberally having regard to the changed circumstances and the needs of time and polity. India is a democratic country with a written Constitution.
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Changing Agricultural Pattern In The Perspective Of Demographic Change: A Study On Kaliganj Block, West Bengal, India. Subarna Bandypoadhyay And Dr. Kalpana Deshmukh
Present discussion is a micro level study for a small administrative unit within a densely populated state of India. For the country like India, where fast growth of population is a common phenomenon, events related to demographic change like changes in land-use, expansion of present urban centers in cost of rural areas, growth of congested centers acting as service centers for rural areas are all common.
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Role Of Microfinance In Poverty Alleviation In Africa- Meta Analysis.
Dr. Irshad Ahmed And Bezawit Lema
As there are concerns that Africa's recovery will be delayed and the longer term growth lowered, the key policy question is how to bring the continent quickly to high and sustainable growth path. Africa is at a turning point. Many countries have achieved high growth rates over the past decade, and many aspire to structural transformation, but the good performance has not translated into significant poverty reduction and shared prosperity.
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Stakeholder Involvement And Sustainability Of Women Development Projects In Kisumu Central Constituency, Kisumu County, Kenya. Oganga, Clement Otieno,Olala, Gilbert Owuor And Odima Ochieng Richard
Project sustainability has been a challenge to local, national and international development agencies. Globally, billions of shillings have been spent in communities to enhance the living situations of poor people. Donor funding act as a temporary driver for social change but sustaining the change is quite challenging.
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The Use Of Textbook Illustrations In The Teaching Of Reading Comprehension: A Study Of Secondary Schools In Kathiani District- Kenya. Ann Ndinda John, Prof. P.L. Barasa And Dr. Carolyne Omulando
This paper examines the classroom practice of teachers and learners of English and their understanding of the use of teaching and learning resources during classroom instruction. Specifically, the paper examines the use of textbook illustrations in the instruction of reading comprehension passages.
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Human Values And Ethics In Indian Politics. Dr.N.Sreeramulu
Political philosophy, or political theory, is the study of topics such as politics, liberty, justice, property, rights, law, and the enforcement of a legal code by authority: what they are, why (or even if) they are needed, what, if anything, makes a government legitimate, what rights and freedoms it should protect and why, what form it should take and why, what the law is, and what duties citizens owe to a legitimate government, if any, and when it may be legitimately overthrown, if ever.
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A Study To Identify The Various Levels Of Job Satisfaction Amidst Doctors Working In Coimbatore City Hospitals. Geetha M and Dr.S. Franklin John
Job satisfaction is the level of contentment a person feels regarding his or her job. Job satisfaction can be influenced by a person's ability to complete required tasks, the level of communication in an organization, and the way management treats employees. There are two different levels of job satisfaction: affective job satisfaction and cognitive job satisfaction.
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Representing The Life Of A Dalit:A Study Of Kancha Ilaiah's Untouchable God. Dr. U. S .Saranya
Dalits are the people who are economically, politically and socially exploited and are forced to live as untouchables outside the village doing all the low level jobs offered to them by the privileged people of the society.
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Representing Untouchablity:A Critical Study Of K.V.Raghupathi's The Untouchable Piglet. Dr. U. S .Saranya
The Untouchable Piglet is one of the short stories of K.V Raghupathi's The Untouchable Piglet (2015). The short story depicts the satire in the society as how the casteism is still evident and into practice by the people.
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In Search Of The Self:A Critical Study Of Neerav Patel's Mess. Dr. U. S .Saranya
Unlike other literature Dalit literature deals with the real life experience experienced by the writer or by the people in the community. It portrays the real life suffering faced by the lower caste men and women in the form of religion, caste and gender and class.
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Governance And Conflict Politics In Jammu And Kashmir: A Case Study From Accession To Insurgency. Waseem Ahmad Sofi And Javid Ahmad Ahanger
The paper analyses the factors responsible for the governance deficit in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and how far the Kashmir conflict has affected the democratic governance in the state. An attempt has been made in the paper to answer the question, how insurgency has impacted the governance in the state?
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A Study On The Status Of Muslim Woman In Athoor, Dindugal District. S. Nisha
India is very well known for giving respect to women including the divine position. But history reveals that women were ill-treated in many ways. There was a movement of reformations in the 19th and 20th centuries led by great social reformers that provided boost to the women's legal status in our country.
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Impact Of Demonetization On Indian Economy. Dr. Manish Dadhich
India has come a long way in modernizing its economy through fiscal and monetary policy along with banking sector reforms in order to improve living standards for a huge fragment of its population. India's economy has been one of the largest contributors to global growth over the last decade, accounting for about 10% of the world's increase in economic activity since 2005, while GDP per capita in purchasing power parity terms is today three times as high as in 2000.
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Social Development In Tribal Areas Of Himachal Pradesh:A Regional Level Analysis. Dr. K.C. Sharma And Anju Sharma
Social development in tribal area of Himachal Pradesh brings out an assessment of the program made during 1980-81 to 2010-11. In this paper, main component of development, viz. the social development has been analysed at regional level in state of Himachal Pradesh.
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The Violation Of Women Human Rights In India. Dr. B Prabhakara Rao
We can seen that every day everywhere paper News, T V channels and Electronic devices are presenting to the violation of Human Rights of Women in India. Human rights are those minimum rights which are compulsorily accessible by every individual as she is a member of human family.
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The Effects Of Rural-Urban Migration On Female Empowerment: An Experience From Mwanza City Council In Tanzania. Dr. Gaspar P. Mwembezi and Beston Musoma
The main objective of the study was to examine the effects of rural-urban migration on women empowerment in Mwanza City. The study problem is that while progress has been made in empowering women in urban areas through outmigration, this chance has not been fully investigated.
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Human Rights And Tribal Development: A Case Study Of Malai Pandaram Tribes In Kattathi Tribal Settlement, Pathanamthitta, Kerala. Manjusha.K.A And Mohammed Shahadab.P.P
This research article "Human Rights and Tribal Development: A Case Study of Malaipandaram Tribes in Kattathi Tribal Settlement , Pathanamthitta, Kerala" attempted to unravel the repercussion of development projects on the tribals and this study further tries to analyse the entitlement of Malai Pandaram tribes on the light of indigenous right of tribes as prescribed by UN.
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An Evaluative Study Of Tourism Industry In Jammu And Kashmir: A Northern State Of India. Dr. Suresh Sachdeva And Ishfaq Ahmad Ganai
This paper attempts to make an in-depth study of tourism, which would help in developing the course of tourism industry in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Tourism is considered as one sector that can propel growth, contribute foreign exchange, and provide employment that too to low skilled persons.
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Gender Violence In India. A Comparative Analysis With Other Nations - Analysing The Root Causes Of Gender Violence. Tanusree Sengupta
Sex is basically the biological difference between men and women. Gender on the other hand is the sociological differentiation between men and women.We are born with our respective sex, male or female but Gender is something we imbibe later.
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Millennium Development Goals (Goal 2): Public Policy Initiatives In India. Uma Sheokand
There has been great progress in the last decade in primary education in India. As, India is also a signatory to the Millennium Declaration, adopted by 191 United Nations members' states in September 2000, and the plan of Action of a World Fit for Children has been central to the focus of India, which envisage achieving universal access to free and compulsory education by 2015.
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Relationship Between Parenting Style, Psycap And Coping Among College Students. Monica Sharma And Niharika Palawat
In Indian culture, parenting plays a significant role in an individual's life. It is evident as there is an extensive literature focusing on the importance of parenting. These researches are mainly focused on the relationship of parenting style with different variables like development, personality, self-esteem, etc.
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Social Intelligence In Students Pursuing Professional And Non-Professional Courses: A Comparative Study. Dr. Monika R. Seth
Traditional education in India was largely non-professional in its compositions. It was after the advent of British rule; the modern professional education came into vogue in India. It was in the mid of the 19th century that Calcutta, Madras and Bombay Universities came into existence.
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Development Of Occupational Commitment Scale For Teachers Of Teacher Education Institutions. Smt. Rukshinda Hena Akbari And Prof. V.V. Malagi
In this study, Teachers Occupational Commitment Scale is developed with reference of existing occupational scales. The four dimensions of Teacher Commitment are used as a foundation to develop a measure of Teacher Occupational Commitment scale.
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Educational Crisis, Critical Pedagogy And Alternative Institutions Of Higher Learning In India: Some Visions And Possibilities. Dhiren Kumar Sahoo
This paper is a search for the crisis of meaning attached to Higher education especially University education in India. It tries to understand the nuances of the complex domain called higher education, its larger aspirations and dialectical relationship with society.
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Impact Of Eco-Tourism On Koya Tribals In Jayashankar District Of Telangana State - A Study. Dr. G. Vijay
Eco-tourism has drawn the attention of the world community as positive contributor towards the preservation of the natural and cultural resources and also towards the development of tourism. Eco-tourism is one type of tourism which provides opportunity to connect the nature's lover with the natural environment.
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Reconstruction Of Public Health Service Supervision Based On Justice Values. Retno Dwi Irianto, Gunarto And Jawade Hafidz
Public health services in Indonesia still face complex problems,mainly health services implemented by public hospitals and community health centers in district and city governments,it is the responsibility of the state / government that the fulfillment of the basic needs of health is in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution.
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Domestic Violence Over The Elderly With Special Emphasis On The Republic Of Macedonia. Marjan Gaberov
The purpose of this paper is to analyze and study the domestic violence over the elderly, as one of the forms of domestic violence within the broader categorization of forms of domestic violence. The purpose of this paper is brought into correlation with the conditions of domestic violence over the elderly in Republic of Macedonia.
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Financial Literacy And Small Scale Industries Firm Performance In India. P.Masiyamoorthy,k.Vidhya And Dr.N.Rajendhiran
The performance of the SME firm was viewed along the full proportions of financial ,strategic and structural development. The socioeconomic function performed by SMEs is widely known in developing and emerging countries. But, in recent times, developing and developed nations have become more and more concerned about the level of financial literacy of the entrepreneur.
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The Study Of Society As A Chaotic System. Akhilesh Pathak
Systems approach in Sociology is a baggage that the social sciences have carried owing to their connection with other sciences such as biology. The organismic analogy of Durkheim and later Parsons seems to be the foundation on which the systems theory in Sociology could build its edifice.
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Status Of Women In The Age Of Buddha : A Review. (Dr.) Vinay Kumar
The ancient law giver Manu was considered the founder of social and moral order. From the outset, Manu deprived women of their religious rights and access to the spiritual life. As per social order a women could not attain heaven through any merit of her own, but only through obedience to her husband.
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A Study On Consumer Satisfaction Of Aachi Masala Products In Cuddalore District. Dr. R. Krishna Kumar And Manikandan. R
"Aachi Masala" is the popular of Masala as the household among the millions of people today, it is doing Masala trading into the field of pure spice powders like Turmeric, Chilli, Coriander powders, and Matten, Chicken, Kulambu Masalas etc., this curiosity lets to enter into masala world with boldness.
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A Study To Assess The Existing Practices And Factors Related To Pediatric Intravenous Medication Administration Among Staff Nurses In Selected Hospital Of Kolkata, West Bengal. Sheuli Sen
The main purpose of the study was assessing existing practices of pediatric medication administration & recognizing factors which are barrier of safe practices which helps in developing strategy to maintained standard practices. The main objectives of the study were: To find the existing practices of intravenous medication administration & to identify the factors affecting practices of pediatric administration.
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An Investigation Into The Mode Of Target Language Teaching Through Structral Functional Method And Conventional Method At Secondary Level Of Rural Backdrop. Dr. Amal Kumar Chakrabarty
English language learning in the Indian classroom situation is a serious concern for the teacher. The ESL teacher makes experimental effort to produce the four basic language skills among the pupils who possess varied levels of language acquisition power in the class. So there is consistent and directed drive on the part of the ESL
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A Law Graduate - Scope And Opportunities. Nitika
Law is a term which does not have a universally accepted definition, but one definition is that Law is a system of rules and guidelines which enforced through Social Institutions to govern the behavior. A Law graduate, Yes, is like a Batsman because they have to be alert for 24 hours, Reason being Ignorance, Irrelevant Talk, Aggressive Posture, Incomplete Knowledge about the case can become the reason of 'Clean Bold' from the Ground.
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Construction And Standardization Of Interest In Music Scale For Secondary School Students. Mamatha M. And Dr. Jagannath K. Dange
This article makes an attempt to develop the Interest in Music Scale for Secondary School Students. The scale has been constructed with four points 'Likert' type scale for each item, with 50 statements for factor determination with sample of 215 Secondary School Students. Cronbach's Alpha correlation technique was used to determine reliability of Interest in Learning Mathematics Scale by adopting random sampling technique.
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Changing Pattern Of Rape In Chandigarh: A Geographical Analysis. Virender Chhachhiya
In this paper, an attempt has made to study the spatial and temporal pattern of rape in Chandigarh. The geography is the study of areal variation and distribution. To fulfil the requirement and provide a geographical base to this study, it is necessary to explain the spatial pattern of crime against women.
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A Study On Rural Consumers Rights Awareness In Udumalpet Taluk. Dr.V.Suganthi
Consumers' rights are well documented and much talked about. This study explores consumer's awareness on their rights against exploitation of businessmen. Data required for the study have been collected from 500 respondents from Udumalpet taluk by well structured interview schedule. Consumers' awareness about consumers' rights has been measured by assigning scores to questions relating to consumers rights.
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Demonstrative Teaching Style And Its Study With Respect To Perception Of Secondary School Students In Geography. Prof. Swati Sarkar And Dr. Samrat Roy
Globally, Geography is taught either as an independent subject or within an integrated framework. In the secondary school stage, geography is mainly taught as one of a group of subjects called social science or as part of earth science or natural science.
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International Criminal Court And International Law. C Raja Monsingh And Dr Ashok Kumar Katta
When one is wrong, the justice and the punishments are given by the country. But when the Country and its Government's are corrupt and involved in a wrong doing, Who or What will come to the aid of the country's citizen? This is the question having by the researcher, This paper seeks to answer the question of a country's citizens safety and wellbeing even if the government is involved in crime and what Punishments, Precautions and fines given to the country and what steps are taken to prevent it from happening again.
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Reform In Indian Judicial System. JP Dhanyasree
It is one of the most quoted lines in the context of Indian Judicial System.The Judiciary of India is an independent body. The judiciary system of India is stratified into various levels. It takes care of maintenance of law and order in the country along with solving problems related to civil and criminal offences. But day by day, due its delayed process losing faith of people to whom it is obliged to provide justice.
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Rationality And Morality In A Reified Society. Akhilesh Pathak
Morality and Religion have been providing the ethical basis of human society for ages. But in the modern capitalist societies, labour, indubitably seems to be the inevitable driving force of human civilization. It is the only means through which produces the conditions of his existence argues Marx.
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International Migration, Goan Diaspora And The Caste Dynamics In Assolna, Velim, Cuncolim (Goa). Dr. Sachin Savio Moraes
This paper presents how the upward social mobility brought about due to Goan diaspora and the socio-economic linkages with the sending society, contributes to the structuration of the caste structured society in to a class structured one, thereby leading to a new structure of the village.
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The Question Of Social Inclusion: Telangana State After Bifurcation. Chaketi Raju
The present new state of Telangana is a resolution of prolonged statehood movement of the masses due to structural deprivation and exclusion from the development processes over the years in the united Andhra Pradesh. Thus, new state reflects the dreams and hopes of the multitude. Today it is almost vital to read the new state's development process towards fulfilling the social inclusion with holistic development.
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Disparities Of Sex Ratio In Maharashtra State Of India. Dr. P. A. Khadke And Mr. P. B. Waghmare
The aim of the paper is to study of sex ratio in Maharashtra state with the help of decennial census report of the Government of India and investigates the current trends of sex ratio. The sex ratio is usually defined as the number of females per thousand males in India. The sex ratio needs special mention for it is one of the related aspects of the socio-economic characteristics.
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Practices Of Personal Hygiene Among Hostel Women In Chandigarh. Ms. Pooja Rani
Personal hygiene as the name depicts is related to hygiene of oneself. Personal hygiene is the first step towards the healthy life. Having a good personal hygiene helps to prevent the infection of diseases, illness and bad odours. It is well said that, "A healthy mind lives in a healthy body."
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Performance Management Process And Its Effect On Employee's Perception Of Performance Management Effectiveness. Getahun Kelemework
Performance management (PM) is a process that enables employees to perform their roles to the best of their abilities with the aim of achieving or exceeding established targets and standards that are directly linked with the organizations objectives.
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Between Wonder And Intuition: Pather Panchali (The Song Of The Road) From Bibhutibhusan Bandopadhyay To Satyajit Ray. Dr Indrani Singh Rai
Panchali is the never ending story of road. Path is an eternal flow which carries the entire. Pather Panchali a masterpiece by Bengali writer Bibhutibhusan Bandopadhyay and a path-breaking film in the tradition of Indian cinema by Satyajit Ray. The film was acknowledged as the 'Best Human Document' award at the Cannes Film Festival of 1956. The focus in both is timeless human bond, an age old truth that touches the souls and minds, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers.
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Dependency Of Market And Non Market Sources Of Tribal's Consumption: A Time Series Analysis. Sourav Kumar Das And Pinaki Das
The tribes are generally under developed and limited in their productivity and as they are living close to the nature, they are generally unable to produce any substantial surplus according to their necessity. If we view consumption as an activity of combining market and non-market elements with the aim to analyse the changing phenomenon of the sources of consumption
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Role of Literature for Developing Insight Into Teacher Education. Dr Alka Macwan
Teacher education programmes have long been criticized as a week intervention in shaping thinking and continuously growing teachers. Fragmentation, week base of the theoretical undercurrents in the would be teachers, lack of insight for using appropriate pedagogy as per the need of the students and time, extrication from practice, and inconsistent ways of delivering the what and why of education are the major points to finger at the teacher education.
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Affirmative Action In Malaysia: A Background. Promod Singh
The history of Malaya goes back for nearly two thousand years. In the early Christian era it was an outpost of the Hindu civilization of India; in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries it was brought within Islam. In early 16th century, Portuguese conquered Malacca. They were to rule here for a century till 1611, when the Dutch captured Malacca. An opportunity for the British came in the last decades of the 18th century when the Dutch Empire began to weaken.
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Teachers' Sustainable Professional Development Through Classroom Action Research. Wayan Maba
As an educator, a teacher must be able to perform his duties professionally. A professional teacher is required to undertake sustainable professional development. Teachers' professional development is teachers' activities in the context of the practice of science and knowledge, technology and skills to improve their competence quality.
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The Zamindari System in Odisha: Perspectives on Origin, Growth & Abolition. Dr. Sarat Parida
The abolition of the zamindari system, an obtrusive semi-feudal land revenue system was a historic measure in the field of agrarian reforms in post-independence Odisha. The system which originated in the practice of farming out taxes in the pre-British period especially under the Mughals had acquired many sordid features during the colonial rule.
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Changing Russian Foreign Policy In A Multipolar World. Junuguru Srinivas
The structure of international relations has been continuously changing since recent past with the evolution of southern world countries like China, India, Brazil and many other countries in world affairs. Whereas, the global north's influence in world affairs going down rapidly. It is in this context, Russia has its strategic chance to revive its global power ambition and become one of the power centre in world affairs once again.
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Goods and Service Tax - An Emerging and Challenging Issue : Indian Perspective. Dr. Pradip Kumar Das
Goods and Services Tax (GST), the biggest reform in the taxation era of Indian economy facelifts the brands of India in world's business friendly countries and boosts the economy by eliminating obstacle in the present indirect taxation structure. GST being an important, strategic and most practical step in the rationalization of Indian taxation structure, in the present globalised scenario, GST is a sine qua non for keeping Indian economy competitive not only within the country but also outside the country.
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Gender Influences On The Entrepreneurial Tendencies & Entrepreneurial Attitude Of University Students. Dr Gobind Singh Gure
The presented empirical study was conducted to find out the gender influences on the entrepreneurial attitude of university students. The primary data were collected through the self-made standardise questionnaires by administered on 475 undergraduate students of Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.
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Significance Of HRM In Augmenting Of Foreign Direct Investment In Indian Retail Industry. Dr.C.MURALIKUMARN
India is one of the largest budding markets, with a population of over one billion. India is one of the biggest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power. The market size of Indian retail industry is about US $312 billion Foreign direct investment has boomed in post-reform India.
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Sangeeta Puri
Adolescent years are a period of intense growth. During this time 20% of final adult height and 50% of adult weight are attained. Adolescents are the true assets of any nation, as in their hands lie the overall development of any country. They are the potential builders of the nation .Alarming rise in the global figure of the prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) among young children, pregnant women and adolescent girls is undoubtedly a serious health concern .During the adolescent period 20% of final adult height and 50% of adult weight are attained. Because of this rapid growth adolescents are especially vulnerable to anaemia. Studies have shown that Iron deficiency is widespread in developing countries. More than 40% adolescents are anaemic in Asian countries. In India >70% adolescent girls had low haemoglobin levels. (Kurz 1996). The issue of concern here is that these adolescent girls are our potential mothers. Anaemia deprives both the present and the future generations of their right to health, development and safe mother hood. More incidences of low birth babies, miscarriages, maternal mortality and unhealthy children born to anaemic adolescent mothers. In India,>70% adolescent girls had low haemoglobin levels. Reasons for iron deficiency anaemia among adolescent girls may be their lifestyles, poor economic conditions, poor nutrition and negligence about intake of iron rich diet etc .Any health program or intervention strategy needs to target these vulnerable groups .The paper ,thus, focuses on the different approaches that need to be implemented for managing anaemia , especially in adolescent girls. Some measures to ensure healthy implementation of these approaches are also suggested like dietary intervention, iron and folic acid supplements and improvement in their lifestyle also
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Status Analysis of Awareness of Sports Nutrition Among the Athletes
Dr. Merajuddin Faridi
The purpose of this study was to know the knowledge of sports nutrition among the student-athletes of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. The subjects (n = 100, m = 50, f = 50) for this study, were selected by stratified sampling method. The subjects were then divided into two groups; (1) athletes from the Department of physical education, and (2) the athletes from the other departments of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. The questionnaires (pre-validated and tested) used by MM Wallinga (2012) and MF Hawk (2014) were adopted for the study. Minor modifications were done according to the Indian sports environment. The data was statically analyzed using SPSS software version 12.0 (Chicago, USA) and t-test with p < 0.05 being taken as significant. The results in the form of percent responses were compared between male and female student-athletes and between the athletes of the Department of physical education, and the athletes of the other departments. The results of the study revealed that the student-athletes of the department of physical education have more knowledge of sports nutrition than the student-athletes of the other departments of the university.
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The present paper examines the problematic areas of the farmer indebtedness
from informal credit in Kaithal District of Haryana. The study an adequate light has been
thrown on establishing cause and relationship of the problem of indebtedness of the farmer
different categories. Farmer indebtedness in the state has been major problem from the
long time. Effects of rural indebtedness quite are disturbing and humiliating not only the
borrowers bit on his whole family. The present study made an attempt to the status of
farmer indebtedness from the Informal credit in detail.
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Dr. Anju Aggarwal
Globalization, a system of domination and disempowerment or the reconstructing of world
economy in the interest of capitalist class whatever it means to a person, is certainly a
driving force behind the imposition of severe economic reforms under the structural
adjustment program inthe developing countries.. However for many in the Third world
countries instead of gains it has resulted in worsening their conditions. From slavery to
colonialism, from colonialism to neo colonialism and now globalization, the road to
outside penetration is thus not new to Africa which has had a negative impact on its
integral development. Each transitional period heightened the gender disparities. While
framing and implementing macro economic policies gender analysis is hardly taken care
of. Economic reforms driven by globalization have seriously affected the gender relations
in Kenya making them more complex.
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Paper in Hindi
Prabhat Kumar
Paper in Hindi
Vinod Kumar
Paper in Hindi
Dr. Sumitra Charan
Western Feminism: A Historical Movement
Major Prof. Sultana Khan
The Indian English Short Story: A Historical Perspective
Dr. Nagendra Sharma
संगीतमेंश्रीकृश्ण की अप्रत्यमदेन
Lokesh Sharma
Make Use of Advanced Technologies for Improvement in Dairy Industry
Dr.Kamlesh Singh1 and Dr.(Smt)Anita Singh2
Performance of Existing Hospitality Education and Training
Institution of Uttarakhand –an Assessment from Teacher’s
Dr. Nripendra Singh Lingwal, Shweta Nripendra Lingwal
Since predominant proportion of tourist demand is related to accommodation and
catering related services, hospitality perspective needs to be especially strengthened,
particularly from manpower viewpoints.
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Paper in Hindi
Dr. Haricharan Meena
Paper in Hindi
Dr. Hanuman Prasad Meena
Paper in Hindi
Dr Suman Dhaka
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Development Challenges in India
Minakshi Garg
India‟s economic growth with a dynamic micro and macro environment both in its domestic and international dimensions has been a challenge for policy makers.
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Ashok Govindrao Shahane
India's tribal communities possess a rich tapestry of cultural heritage, including unique traditions, languages, rituals,
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