Cover Page IJESM_October_2017......
Page No.
GRAPH S. Muthammai1
For any graph G, let V(G) and E(G) denote the vertex set and edge set of G respectively. The
Boolean function graph B(G, L(G), NINC) of G is a graph with vertex set V(G)E(G) and two vertices
in B(G, L(G), NINC) are adjacent if and only if they correspond to two adjacent vertices of G, two
adjacent edges of G or to a vertex and an edge not incident to it in G. For brevity, this graph is
denoted by B1(G). In this paper, Connected edge domination and total edge domination numbers
of Boolean Function Graph B(G, L(G), NINC) of some standard graphs are obtained.
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Eccentric Domination in Total Graph of a Graph
M. Bhanumathi1
: Let G be a simple graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). The total graph T(G) of G is a
graph with vertex set V(G) E(G) where two vertices are adjacent if and only if they are adjacent
vertices of G or they are adjacent lines of G or one is a vertex of G and another is a line of G incident
with it. In this paper we studied the concept of eccentric domination number of total graph T(G),
obtained bounds of this parameter and determined its exact value for several classes of graphs.
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Approximation of conjugate Fourier series of a function belonging to
(N, p ,q )(E,s)
n n
- summability method L. Jena
Degree of approximation of functions of different classes has been studied by several
researchers by using different summability methods. In the proposed paper a new theorem
has been established for the approximation of a function belonging to the
Lip()-class by
(N, p ,q )(E,s)
n n
- product summability means of a conjugate series of Fourier series. The
result obtained here is a generalization of several known theorems
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Indian Methods of finding the approximate value of π and
the development of calculus
Prof. Sanjay M. Deshpande
Many Indian mathematicians calculate the approximate value of π.
The value of π stated by Āryabhata – I was accepted by all the
mathematicians which is (π = 22/7). Indian mathematicians used
different methods to find the values of π. Madhava of Sangamgram
of Kerala calculated the value of π in terms of infinite series. This
method of finding the value of π is the beginning of idea of calculus
in India. These methods are found in the text Yuktibhasha of
Jyesthadeva (1500-1610 ad.),Tantrasangraha of Nilakantha (1443-
1560 ad.),Kriyakramakari of Sankara Variyar (1500-1560 ad.). We
have discussed here three methods of finding the value of π and also
calculus involved in it. These three methods cover the idea of
infinitesimal calculus. These methods are as follows.
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Preliminary Reporton Ferns and Lycophytes at Kampo Uno, Katipunan, Davao-Arakan Valley Road, North Cotabato
Cindy Grace S. Abas
An updated species list and conservation assessment of ferns
and lycophytes at Kampo Uno, Katipunan, Davao-Arakan
Valley Road, North Cotabatowere provided on the basis of
recent field survey and examination of herbarium specimens.
Among the 60 identified species in the area, 50 % are rare in
terms of local assessment. On the other hand, 25 % are
abundant and the remaining 25 % are very abundant. Out of
the 60 species four are endangered, which belong to the family
Cyatheaceae. On the other hand, 12 species are vulnerable and
the rest of the species belong to Other Wildlife Species (OWS)
and Other Threatened Species (OTS).
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Review on Design Analysis and Modifications for EOT crane by using Design software, Numerical
method and Mathematical Model
Nishadevi N. Jadeja
In industrial sector Hoisting mechanisms are play very important role. Also fast processing units are
available in industries so for better work distribution and consider less time requirement are necessary
parameters.Modify design for EOT crane by using different software and also numerical and theoretical
methods which are available. So we can improve performance of different components of EOT crane.
By using Mathematical model we can improve structural features of the crane and prevent damage of
various components of EOT crane. A lot of work has been done in these field of design for EOT crane.
Many researchers had been investigated , some of them are described here.
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Implementation of Lean Tool to Improve Productivity in an
Automotive Component Assembly Line
In the present competitive scenario of manufacturing, companies
are working towards continuous improvement to sustain the global market.
This paper manifests an economical way of identifying the opportunities of
improvement using a lean tool Value Stream Mapping (VSM). Bottleneck
stations which are the main hindrance to the line productivity are identified
and balanced using cycle time analysis and VSM. This helps the company to
cope up with the changing demand patterns.VSM is an effective lean
manufacturing tool which aids in identification and classification of Value-Added (VA), Non-Value Added (NVA) and Essential Non-Value Added
(ENVA) activities. Using VSM symbols the current state was sketched and
the opportunities for the improvement were identified in a cost effective
manner. Future state was depicted with suggestions from various
brainstorming sessions. Continuous improvement techniques were used to
implement the suggestions stated in the future state. The suggestions were put
to action in the future state which resulted in reduction of total manufacturing
lead time by 101 seconds and increased production by 12.9%. On
implementing the suggested changes a savings of 11.76% from the total
expenditure (to operate one shift) was achieved.This paper provides the true
picture of application of VSM to identify improvements which are
economically feasible and verified by cost benefit analysis.
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Lie Group Analysis of MHD Free Convective, Dissipative Boundary
Layer Flow past a Porous Vertical Surface Under The Influence Of
Thermal Radiation, Chemical Reaction And Constant Suction K.V.Chandra Sekhar
The present paper describes MHD free convective, dissipative boundary
layer flow past a vertical porous surface under the influence of thermal
radiation, chemical reaction and constant suction, with the effect of uniform
magnetic field which is applied normal to the surface is studied. The
governing equations are solved using scaling group of transformations. The
system remains invariant due to relations between the parameters of the
transformations. By applying these transformations momentum equation,
energy equation and diffusion equation reduced to non – linear 3rd and 2nd
order ordinary differential equations. These equations are solved
numerically. Finally the effects of various physical parameters of the flow
are analyzed graphically using MATLAB.
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In this paper , we introduce the notion of S- anti-fuzzy soft right R-subgroups of near-rings and
its basic properties are investigated. We also study the homomorphic image and pre image of S- anti-fuzzy
soft right R- subgroups. Using S-norm, we introduce the notion on sensible anti-fuzzy soft right R-subgroups
in near- rings and some related properties of a near-rings ‘R’ are discussed.
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Dynamic Response of Linear Viscoelastic Bodies under Periodic Stresses
and Strains
Kanwaljeet Kaur
The generalized linear differential equation with constant
coefficients has been considered for finding the non-dimensional form of constitution equation of standared linear
solid viscoelastic model depending upon the time dependent
parmeter 𝜏 and frequency 𝜔. The non-dimensional form has
been deriverd by taking the sinsuidal variation of stress
(𝜎 = 𝜎0𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑡 or 𝑃 = 𝑃0𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝜃) and strain 𝛾 = 𝛾0𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝜃. The
viscoelastic body’s behavior has also be disscued at different
values of 𝜏 and results be derived at low frequency and at high
frequency and it has been concluded that linear viscoelastic
bodies behaves periodically under the influence of periodic
stress and strains
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Most real-life biometric systems are still
unimodal. Unimodal biometric systems perform
person recognition based on a single source of
biometric information. Such systems are often
affected by some problems such as noisy sensor
data, non-universality and spoof attacks.
Multibiometrics overcomes these problems.
Multibiometric systems represent the fusion of
two or more unimodal biometric systems. Such
systems are expected to be more reliable due to
the presence of multiple independent pieces of
evidence. In this paper, we present a
multibiometric recognition system using two
types of biometrics Iris and Palm print. The fusion
is applied at the matching-score level. The
experimental results showed that the designed
system achieves an excellent recognition rate.
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Applications of cubic splines in the numerical solution of polynomials Najmuddin Ahmad
In this paper we introduce different algorithm for reconstruction of a one dimensional
function from its zero crossings. However, none of them is stable and computable in real time. An
algorithm for computing the cubic spline interpolation coefficients for polynomials is presented in this
paper. The matrix equation involved is solved analytically so that numerical inversion of the coefficient
matrix is not required. For f(t) = 𝑡
𝑚 , a set of constants along with the degree of polynomial m are used
to compute the coefficients so that they satisfy the Interpolation constraints but not necessarily the
derivative constraints. Then, another matrix equation is solved analytically to take care of the
derivative constraints. The results are combined linearly to obtain the unique solution of the original
matrix equation. This algorithm is tested and verified numerically for various examples.
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On a Polynomial Solutions of a Diophantine Equation Manju Somanath
A Diophantine equation is a polynomial equation 𝑃 𝑥1
, 𝑥2
, ⋯ , 𝑥𝑛
= 0 where the polynomial 𝑃 has integral
coefficients and one is interested in solutions for which all the unknowns take integer values. For example,
2 +𝑦
2 = 𝑧
and 𝑥 = 3, 𝑦 = 4, 𝑧 = 5 is one of its infinitely many solutions. Another example is 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 1
and all its solutions are given by 𝑥 = 𝑡, 𝑦 = 1 − 𝑡 where 𝑡 passes through all integers. A third example is
2 +4𝑦 = 3. This Diophantine equation has no solutions, although note that 𝑥 = 0, 𝑦 =
is a solution with
rational values for the unknowns. Diophantine equations are rich in variety. Two – variable Diophantine
equation have been a subject to extensive research, and their theory constitutes one of the most beautiful,
most elaborate part of mathematics, which nevertheless still keeps some of its secrets for the next generation
of researchers.
In this paper, we investigate positive integral solutions of the Diophantine equation 𝐾
2 −56𝑅
2 −
32𝐾 −224𝑅 − 224 = 0 which is transformed into a Pell’s equation and is solved by various methods
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Segmentation of Brain Tumor from MRI Image Blocks using SVM
Classifier Galiyabi. P. S
Tumors are one of the most dangerous diseases that are difficult to cure
completely when detected after its initial stage. Early detection of this will
help to get proper treatment. Tumors cause changes in tissues which can be
detected using many imaging techniques like Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI). The system is proposed for the autonomous segmentation of tumor
tissues from normal tissues in MRI images using Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) features extraction and Support Vector
Machine (SVM) classifier.
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the system consisting of one main unit
and three cold standby units. The system is provided with maintenance
facility under the constraint of synchronous operation of all the cold standby
units. This provision of maintenance has a significant role in order to
improve the reliability of the whole system. There is a single repairman
available for both purposes: repair as well as maintenance. System
effectiveness measures such as behavior of Mean time to system failure
(MTSF), Availability, Busy period and Cost benefit analysis has been done
for the present study using Semi-markov process and Regenerative point
technique. Graphical interpretation has also been performed considering
particular cases.
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ECC Algorithm for WSN Vivek Soi
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) has been attractive to
the people who are working in the field of the network security due
to its good potential for wireless sensor network security due to its
smaller key size and its high strength of security. But there is a room
to reduce the key calculation time to meet the potential applications,
in particular for wireless sensor networks (WSN). It is well known
that scalar multiplication is the operation in elliptical curve
cryptography which takes 80% of key calculation time on wireless
sensor network motes. In this paper, the research proposes algorithm
based on 1’s complement subtraction to represent scalar in scalar
multiplication which offer less Hamming weight and will
remarkably improve the computational efficiency of scalar
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In this paper we forward methods of constructing conference
matrices of order 18 and 26 by suitable combination of adjacency
matrices of suitable coherent configuration.
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Empirical analysis of A -share market index yield series based on GARCH-M model
Xiaoping Ren
GARCH model is used in the analysis of financial time series widely, the model can simulate
financial time series.The domestic implementation loosed monetary policy because of the
domestic individual investors investment enthusiasm rising.Under the background large amounts
capital surplus,this paper research A-share market index volatility characteristics through
stationary, ARCH effect test, then it established GARCH, Garch-M, EGARCH dynamic time series
model.The conclusion is Garch-M model has the best fitting effect for A-share market index yield
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Vehicle Remote Control System Based on RF Using ARM7(LPC2148)
Manasa Gadiraju
This paper presents the remote-controlled vehicle using RF, implementation
of smart logic and control system based on embedded systems using a microcontroller,
the vehicle is controlled by the RF based remote control, in which user interface is
developed to give instructions to vehicle for movements. Few instructions are added to
enable or disable the functionality on robot side. Vehicle consists of obstacle sensor,
temperature sensor & light sensor, vehicle moves with the help of a s y n c h r o n o u s H-bridge, the vehicle is interfaced with the intellectual device called microcontroller.
Microcontroller controls the movement of the robot by decoding the signals received
from the RF based remote controller, and performs the programmed tasks as per received
signal. In this project, we implemented a password authentication so that the vehicle
can’t be used by wrong persons for wrong purposes. Based on the commands given by
user at the RF remote side vehicle takes it direction, in its path if it finds any obstacle or if
temperature exceed the range 85 to 110 degrees centigrade or if any light falls on its path
the vehicle gives alert to user, so that the user can controls the vehicle successfully. This
RF based vehicle is used for military security purpose such as spy robot, in industrial
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Coal Fly Ash consumption for sustainable environment management: Crystallization
kinetics of mesoporous molecular sieve MCM-41 Shubhangi Atkare
We report ecological synthesis of mesoporous molecular sieves of M41S family using coal fly ash
(CFA) available in ample as the thermal power station waste during electricity generation. This contributes
to the green synthesis of MCM-41 at a cheaper production cost. Coal fly ash was used to synthesize MCM-41 by alkali fusion followed by hydro-thermal treatment and was characterized using various techniques
viz. XRD, SEM, FTIR, TGA-DTG, N2-sorption for surface area measurement etc. The synthesis and history
dependent parameters were optimized to obtain highly crystalline phase of MCM-41. During the
synthesis crystallization kinetics was studied. The highly crystalline nature and well ordered phase was
obtained at 120
0C with utmost BET surface area 1053m2
/g with high purity. The activation energy of
crystallization kinetics was found to be 160.31 kJ/mole.
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N.Venkata Ramana
This article presents the behaviour of ferrocement slabs reinforced with low
strength steel fibres. The ferrocement slab were fabricated with dimensions of
1.0x0.84x0.035m and provided chicken mesh in one and two layers along with
the discrete fibres in the proportion of 0.75, 1.0 and 1.50% by volume of
specimen. Total 16 slabs were cast and tested in the laboratory under uniformly
distributed load with two opposite edges fixed and other two edges were
simply supported. First crack and ultimate load capacity of the slabs were
noticed for each slab. The results revealed that 1% of fibres volume is effective
to take the more loads when compared to other dosages of fibres. The crack
width was decreased for slabs wchich consists of steel fibres when compared
with slabs without steel fibbers. The reserved factor (failure load/ cracking
load) for the slabs varied form 1.6 to 2.6.
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Meenu Kumari
: Wavelet selection is most important part in signal compression as well as in signal denoising
etc. In this paper we have proposed a technique of best wavelet selection for image processing using
SPIHT method. By image compression, we can reduce the storage space of images that will be helpful
to increase storage and transmission process’s performance. Compression is implemented in software
using MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox [10], [11]. We have analysed two terms namely compression ratio and
bit per pixel. Many wavelets are used in signal and image processing. We have taken Haar, Daubechies,
Biorthogonal and Symlet wavelet out of these for best wavelet analysis.
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Competitive study of weedsCommelina diffusa and Alternanthera sessilis
with Rice (Oryza sativa) cultivation: An in vitro study
ndrajit Ghosh
Weeds are major competitors of rice growing in the farming land.
Supply of nutrients for the productivity of rice enhances weed growth.
Identification of major weeds from agricultural land and their
quantitative estimation as competitors must be required for proper
management of weeds. Present study was conducted in tubs and plastic
trays to identify the growth status of weeds compared with the growth
record of rice (in vitro study) and estimate the biochemical activities
during competition.Commelina diffusa andAlternanthera sessilis are
the common perennial weeds found in all rice fields of West Bengal,
India. Different morphological parameters of rice plants and weeds
were estimated after seven days of intervals for three months.
Biochemical study was also conducted after four week of plantation of
rice plants and weeds. Growth of rice was inhibited due to profuge
growth of Commelina diffusa andAlternanthera sessilis. Yield of
grains and plant biomass were also decreased. This study revealed
that Alternanthera sessilis was more competitor of rice
than Commelina diffusa. Without proper management of weeds,
maximum rice productivity would not have been possible.
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The Assessment of Morphological-Biochemical Changes and the Bioactivity of
Low Molecular Weight Peptide(s) isolated from Waste Water Treated Mung
Bean (Vigna radiata) Plant
Sayanti Kar
Waste water is important for plants for its growth and development and
its use as irrigational source is very common in countries like India. In
this study, waste water from outfalls of river Ganga in West Bengal
region were analyzed season wise during the period of 2016. The effect
of waste water was measured morphologically and biochemically on
Mung Bean (Vigna radiata). An approach to study the range of low
molecular weight peptide(s) (3-0.5 kDa) were taken through its
isolation by solvent extraction method, ultra filtration and HPLC both
in normal and treated plants.
The study during pre-monsoon and post monsoon season indicated by
stem length, leaf length, lead width, petiole length and intermodal
distance were found inhibited by waste water treatment. Whereas, the
isolated peptide(s) induced by waste water treatment showed the
inhibition of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata)seed germinations. The
inhibition was found pronounced in premonsoon and post monsoon in
comparing to monsoon season
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Environment Impact of the Youth Migration in Urban Area Dr. Pisal Anita Sambhaji
Environment is most important for social and economic development of human life.
Today’s we have the largest generation of youth migrated in urban area and so the youth are
faced the unemployment in any form is a drag on an economy was that of growing patterns in
youth unemployment which major socio- economic challenges. Mostly rural youth facing
different challenges of Maharashtra people living in the rural villages and the agriculture
making these regions the greatest properties of rural youth. An environment all challenge was
impact of the natural recourses so we global trend towards rapid urbanization and migration,
especially many youth. All surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and
other living things, which provide conditions for development and growth as well as of danger
and damage. The environmental impact of agriculture varies based on the wide variety
of agricultural practices employed around the world. Ultimately, the environmental
impact depends on the production practices of the system used by farmers. The connection
between emissions into the environment and the farming system is indirect, as it also depends
on other climate variables such as rainfall and temperature.
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The present experimental work investigated the effects of cutting parameters on surface roughness in shoulder
milling of AL7075-T6 aluminium alloy using a coated solid carbide cutter. Response surface methodology was
used to develop a mathematical model to predict surface roughness in terms of cutting speed, feed rate, depth
of cut. The objective of this study was to develop a better understanding of the effects of spindle speed, feed
rate and depth of cut on the surface roughness then to build a multiple regression model. Such an understanding
could provide insight into the problems of controlling the finish of machined surfaces when the process
parameters were adjusted to obtain a certain surface finish. Surface roughness value was measured using
Mitutoyo Surf test SJ201tester. The adequacy of the model was verified using analysis of variance (ANOVA),
and the effect of spindle speed (Vc), feed rate (fz) and depth of cut (ap), and interactions of all variables predicted
the surface roughness values within the confidence limit. The deviation between predicted and measured
surface roughness values was within an error band of about 5 per cent.The contour plots were generated to
study the effect of process parameters as well as their interactions.
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Properties of Certain Bilateral Mock Theta Functions-III
Mohammad Ahmad
Bilateral mock theta functions were obtained and studied in [22]. We
express them in terms of Lerch's transcendental function𝑓(𝑥, 𝜉; 𝑞, 𝑝). We
also express some bilateral mock theta functions as sum of other mock
theta functions. We generalize these functions and show that these
generalizations are 𝐹𝑞 functions. We give an integral representation for
these generalized functions
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Amplification in Optical Fibers by Rare Earth Doping
Asad Ali Khan
An overview of the fundamental physical process responsible for optical amplification in Raman
fiber amplifiers and in rare earth doped (thulium-doped and erbium- doped) fiber amplifiers, is
discussed. We formulate basic equations governing optical amplification for each of the two types
of amplifiers and define the important parameters used for performance characterization of these
amplifiers. This paper outlines the method used in doped fiber amplifiers.
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A New Solution Approach: To find optimal solution to the Fully Fuzzy time cost trade-off
Dr. M. Shanmuga Sundari
In this paper we focus on the solution procedure of the Fuzzy crashing time problem with
Fuzzy parameters. We propose a new method for the solution of Fuzzy Trade off problems
without converting them into classical Fuzzy problems. Numerical examples are provided to
illustrate the solution procedure developed in this paper and it is easy to understand and to apply
for finding Fuzzy optimal solution of Fuzzy Trade off problems in real life situation.
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Mohammed Arshad Ali
Awarness of tumour growth characteristics is important in treatment
of deadly disease Cancer. Experiments take lengthy time to explore the
characteristics and availability of required sample size is another
drawback in making conclusions about tumour growth characteristics.
Mathematical modeling and statistical theory facilitates in predicting
results without conducting experiments practically and making
inferences about tumour growth parameters from sample
characteristics. In this paper, the proliferation rates and interval
estimates of proliferation rates with different confidence levels of
various human cancer tumours were estimated with the help of tumour
growth equation and sampling theory using doubling times from
experimental data.
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Mohammed Arshad Ali
Awarness of tumour growth characteristics is important in treatment
of deadly disease Cancer. Experiments take lengthy time to explore
the characteristics and availability of required sample size is another
drawback in making conclusions about tumour growth
characteristics. Mathematical modeling and statistical theory
facilitates in predicting results without conducting experiments
practically and making inferences about tumour growth parameters
from sample characteristics. In this paper, the proliferation rates and
interval estimates of proliferation rates with different confidence
levels of various human cancer tumours were estimated with the help
of tumour growth equation and sampling theory using doubling times
from experimental data.
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Production of ethanol from molasses fermentation by different microbes was studied in a sugar factory.
Sacharymyces (Yeast) and Trichoderma spp. are the predominant organisms contributed 24.44 and 35.59
percent population contribution. Trichoderma spp. can produce highest quantity of ethanol (0.52 ml/gm) when
glucose is used as substrate followed by cellulose and xylose. Highest 0.37 ml/gm ethanol is produced during
molasses fermentation by Trichoderma followed by Sacharomyses. Commercial ethanol production hence may
be recommended from molasses using Trchoderma spp
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Comparative Phytochemical profiling of various extracts, from different parts of Sesuvium
portulacastrum using GCMS, FTIR and ICP AES.
Snehal B. Gagare
Sesuvium portulacastrum (Aizoaceae family) is mangrove associate known for its antimicrobial , antifungal
activity.The present study focuses on comparative analysis of phytochemicals present in Sesuvium
portulacastrum (Aizoaceae family) using GCMS ,ICP AES and IR spectroscopy. The work also highlights the
different phytochemicals present in various parts like stem and leaves of the plants from Aizoaceae family. The
IR spectroscopy elucidates different functional groups present in the phytochemicals from different parts of
plant .The GCMS has identified 15,15,14 phytochemicals respectively from Sesuvium portulacastrum ethyl
acetate leaf, petroleum ether stem and chloroform whole plant extracts. This study also is noteworthy as it uses
ICP AES techniques in analyzing different elements present in Sesuvium portulacastrum. This work emphasizes
the importance of sophisticated analytical Instrumentation, in phytochemical characterization and the
technique can also reveal the difference in phytochemicals present in different parts of the same plant
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Mahmoud Suleiman Dahoud
The need for high performance of organ or tissues images pushed many scientists to study
the factors affecting the image resolution. Too many factors such as distance, number of
counts, and type of collimator were studied in this paper. Count loss depends on the whole
energy spectrum; the apparent dead-time depends on the window fraction. Scatter
causes narrower of the window fraction then longer dead-time. Resolution is the most
talked about digital camera characteristic and is often used to describe image quality.
Diverging, converging and pinhole collimators are useful for the change of field view but
the image distortion caused by the magnification with depth is a problem.
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Production of ethanol from molasses fermentation by different microbes was studied in a
sugar factory. Sacharymyces (Yeast) and Trichoderma spp. are the predominant organisms
contributed 24.44 and 35.59 percent population contribution. Trichoderma spp. can produce
highest quantity of ethanol (0.52 ml/gm) when glucose is used as substrate followed by
cellulose and xylose. Highest 0.37 ml/gm ethanol is produced during molasses fermentation
by Trichoderma followed by Sacharomyses. Commercial ethanol production hence may be
recommended from molasses using Trchoderma spp
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Comparative Phytochemical profiling of various extracts, from different parts of
Sesuviumportulacastrum using GCMS, FTIR and ICP AES.
Snehal B. Gagare
Sesuviumportulacastrum(Aizoaceae family) is mangrove associate known for its
antimicrobial , antifungal activity.The present study focuses on comparative analysis of
phytochemicals present in Sesuviumportulacastrum(Aizoaceae family) using GCMS ,ICP AES
and IR spectroscopy. The work also highlights the different phytochemicals present in
various parts like stem and leaves of the plants from Aizoaceae family. The IR spectroscopy
elucidates different functional groups present in the phytochemicals from different parts of
plant .The GCMS has identified 15,15,14 phytochemicals respectively from
Sesuviumportulacastrumethyl acetate leaf, petroleum ether stem and chloroform whole plant
extracts. This study also is noteworthy as it uses ICP AES techniques in analyzing different
elements present in Sesuviumportulacastrum. This work emphasizes the importance of
sophisticated analytical Instrumentation, in phytochemical characterization and the
technique can also reveal the difference in phytochemicals present in different parts of the
same plant
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Mahmoud Suleiman Dahoud
The need for high performance of organ or tissues images pushed many scientists to study the
factors affecting the image resolution. Too many factors such as distance, number of counts, and
type of collimator were studied in this paper. Count loss depends on the whole energy spectrum; the
apparent dead-time depends on the window fraction. Scatter causes narrower of the window
fraction then longer dead-time. Resolution is the most talked about digital camera characteristic and
is often used to describe image quality.Diverging, converging and pinhole collimators are useful for
the change of field view but the image distortion caused by the magnification with depth is a
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Abugu Micheal
In Nigeria, like any other country of the world, small and medium scale sector plays a very
important role in economic development of the nation. The sector remained a vital part
of the country economy as it provides massive employments; generates basic raw
materials to the economy, provide revenue through taxation, generates foreign exchange
and largely provides security and stability. Small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs)
have been generally acknowledged as the bedrock of the industrial development of any
nation. Apart from the numerous goods and services, they provide a veritable means of
large scale employment as they are usually labour intensive (Yerima et al 2007). SMEs
activities are often found within the areas of human endeavours: manufacturing,
production, information, services, agriculture, hotel and restaurants, financial
intermediation, real estate, education, building and constructions, mining and quarrying.
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Optimization of MRR and SR for AISI 316 Stainless steel material by using RSM
Technique in EDM machining
In present days non-conventional machining like electrical discharge machining (EDM) is
used to withstand the competition and to meet the demands in the industry. EDM is one where
electrical sparks are generated by creating voltage difference between the electrode and work
piece. The eroding of material takes place. To machine the materials which are difficult to machine
in traditional machining and for temperature resistant high strength alloys EDM is applicable. The
practical applications include dies in watches, mould cavity with deeper and narrow slots, mould
cavity for the injection molding.
The theme of this project is to optimize the machining parameters in die sinking electrical
discharge machining in order to able the best parameter to get the high MRR and low SR. In present
the work pieces is AISI 316 stainless steel materials and Copper electrode with 9. are used to
conduct the experiments by varying the control factors such as Discharge current (Ip), Pulse on
time (Ton) and Duty cycle (%). Process responses such as material removal rate (MRR) and surface
roughness (SR) are determined for every experimental run. With a minimum amount of
experimentation Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array (OA) is used to study the response of control factors
with varying levels in commercial tool MINITAB 17. To get the optimized results individually for
process responses, Taguchi single objective optimization is used. And finally, a mathematical and
statistical technique called Response surface methodology (RSM) has been used for the analysis and
modeling of the MRR and SR by using the commercial tool Design expert
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Milling is the most common form of machining process used in the production of moulds/ dies, due
to the high tolerances and surface finishes by cutting away the unwanted material. The selection of
Air hardening tool steel is widely used in production of moulds/ dies because of less wear
resistance are used for large components. Due to extensive use of highly automated machine tools
in the industry, manufacturing requires reliable models and methods for the prediction of output
performance of machining processes. The major objective of the present study is modeling and
analysis of machining parameters in end milling for material removal rate and surface roughness by
considering the input parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate, axial-depth of cut, radial depth of
cut and nose radius. The design of experiment (DOE) technique has been implemented to conduct
the experiments which in turn reduced the number of experiments. The most accurate prediction
models were developed using response surface methodology. The predicted results were analyzed
through experimental verification. To have more precise investigation in to the models, a
regression analysis of experimental and predicted outputs was performed. In order to study the
main effects and interaction effects of machining parameters, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
performed. To judge the ability efficiency of the developed models, percentage deviation and
average percentage deviation has been used.
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DSP Based Rician Noise Removal in MR Images Using
Gradient Projection Algorithm
D. Nedumaran
Rician noise in Magnetic Resonance images affects the image contrast, signal
dependent bias and signal to noise ratio value. The combined Gabor filter
with Gradient projection filter was developed to remove the Rician noise in
Magnetic Resonance images and compared its performance with the state-of-the-art filtering methods. The algorithm was developed in the
TMS320C6713DSK, which exhibited improvements in the image quality and
signal to noise ratio value. Further, it reduces the noise component and
preserves the image features with less execution time. For testing the noise
removal algorithm, two different levels of Rician noise were added with the
raw MR images and removed using the popular and the proposed method.
The performance of the proposed method was compared with the popular
methods through the estimation of quantitative metrics and visual inspection
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Preliminary Investigations on the spam filtering using statistical
classification techniques
A study on the thereotical and application of the statistical filtering
techniques for the spam classification problems has been conducted and its
results are presented. The research methodology applied in this study starts
with building the dataset, correcting errors in the datasetand discusses the
techniques to compute the probability of tokens in the dataset and the
statistical application of the token values. The analysis shown is used to
depict that statistical filtering is better than heuristic-based filtering because
the former approach gives specific information about making a decision. All
the four popular techniques in use today namely- Bayesian Combination by
Paul Graham, Bayesian Combination by Brian Burton, Robinson’s
Geometric Mean Test and Fisher-Robinson’s Inverse Chi- Square and their
merits and demerits have been discussed in detail
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Udeh Ikemefuna James
The study is to investigate the effects of programmed instructional package on secondary school
students’ achievement in mathematics. The study employed a quasi experimental procedure. The
specific design is non-equivalent control group design. The sample for the study comprised of 300
SSII students drawn from four co-educational secondary schools in Awgu Education Zone of Enugu
state. The four secondary schools were randomly sampled from a total of 46 secondary schools in
the zone as at the time of this study. Two intact classes from the four schools were randomly
assigned to the experimental group while the remaining two classes were assigned to the control
group. Two research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. The experimental
group was taught mathematics using programmed instructional package while the control group
was taught the same contents using conventional method. Data for the study on the students’
achievement in mathematics were collected using mathematics achievement test. Data were
analyzed using adjusted mean, standard deviations and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The
results of the study revealed that programmed instructional package is superior to the
conventional package in improving students’ achievement in mathematics. Programmed
instruction did not discriminate significantly across gender in terms of achievement in
mathematics. The results of the study also revealed that there was no significant interaction
between gender and instructional approach on students’ achievement in mathematics. Based on
findings the researcher made recommendations and suggested areas for further studies.
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Bond Hardness and Mechanical Properties of ANB
Semiconductors and
their Alloys
Mritunjai Kr. Pathak
In this paper a linear relation H= (0.199 – 0.037λ
1.940) B – ( 7.754 – 1.706λ
1.746) where B is
the bulk modulus and λ is a parameter which is the average difference of group numbers of
the constituent atoms (in the periodic table ) of the compounds is proposed for microhardness
of ANB
( N = 2, 3, 4 ) semiconductors. This equation has been obtained through the linear
relations proposed for microhardness and bulk modulus in terms of bond hardness. Estimated
values of B for group- IV, IV-IV, II-VI and III-V semiconductors are in closer agreement
with the experimental and reported values. Microhardness of Sn, SiC, GeC, SnC, SiGe, SiSn,
GeSn, BSb and CdO has been reported for the first time.
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The ternary bulk sample of (Bi0.8Tb0.1Ba0.1Fe0.9Ti0.1O3)was prepared by using a solid state
reaction technique. In this paper the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of ceramics
have been investigated. The XRD patterns of the samples at room temperature showed perovs
kite phase with hexagonal structure at room temperature. Studies of dielectric properties of
the compounds with frequency at different temperatures (25-400oC), exhibits two dielectric
anomalies, one at 175oC and other around 320oC (ferroelectric–paraelectric type
transition).The Curie temperature shifted towards the lower temperature with the increase in
frequency. The low value of activation energy obtained for this ceramic samples could be
attributed to the influence of electronic contribution to the conductivity. By using VSM
technique, a significant change in the magnetic properties was observed for this ceramic. The
highest magnetization field were found attemperature 5K. The impedance analysis confirm
the non-Debye type behaviour of the compound.The relaxation frequency shifted to higher
side with increase in temperature.The Nyquist plot and conductivity studies showed the
NTCR character of samples.
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Dr. Ashutosh Kumar
The purpose of this paper is to establish a common fixed point theorems in fuzzy
metric space using the concept of weak compatible mappings for four self-mapping and
generalizing the result of Sharma[8]. We also cite an example in support of
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Effect of dominant fungi on deterioration of protein content in different species of Cassiaseeds sample
Dr. Anju Anand
The present study was aimed to study the seed mycoflora and assess and its effect on protein content of four
species of Cassia viz, Cassia fistula Linn, Cassia occidentalis Linn, Cassia sophera Linn and Cassia tora
Linn. Test fungi (Aspergillus niger and Curvularia lunata)were selected on the basis of their percentage
frequency and dominance over the seed surface. Sterilized healthy seeds were artificially infested asceptically
with one ml spore suspension and incubated for 15, 30 & 45 days at room temperature Control was
maintained by adding one ml sterilized distilled water instead of spore suspension. After incubation seeds
were dried at 60C for 48 hrs then taken for qualitative and quantitative analysis of protein, results shows the
protein content decreased gradually after 15, 30 and 45 days of incubation.
InCassia fistula seeds contains 48.12 g/mg protein content which showed decreasing trend under infestation
by Aspergillus niger and Curvularia lunata with increasing incubation period.In Cassia occidentaliswas
infested with Aspergillus niger and Curvularia lunata the protein content decreased gradually after 15, 30
and 45 days of incubation respectively.In Cassia sophera the protein content was 49.04 g/mg but gradually
decreased under infestation. And in case of Cassia tora contained 30.73 g/mg protein which gradually
decreased under infestation.
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Monitoring of Pesticide & Chemical Residues in Air, Soil, and Non-Target Vegetation
Dr P.S.Rajpoot
Pesticide sprays can directly hit non-target vegetation, or can drift or volatilize from the
treated area and contaminate air, soil, and non-target plants. Some pesticide drift occurs
during every application, even from ground equipment (Glotfelty and Schomburg, 1989).
Drift can account for a loss of 2 to 25% of the chemical being applied, which can spread
over a distance of a few yards to several hundred miles. As much as 80–90% of an applied
pesticide can be volatilised within a few days of application (Majewski, 1995). Despite the
fact that only limited research has been done on the topic, studies consistently find
pesticide residues in air. According to the USGS, pesticides have been detected in the
atmosphere in all sampled areas of the USA (Savonen, 1997). Nearly every pesticide
investigated has been detected in rain, air, fog, or snow across the nation at different times
of the year (U.S. Geological Survey, 1999). Many pesticides have been detected in air at
more than half the sites sampled nationwide. Herbicides are designed to kill plants, so it is
not surprising that they can injure or kill desirable species if they are applied directly to
such plants, or if they drift or volatilise onto them. Many ester-formulation herbicides have
been shown to volatilise off treated plants with vapors sufficient to cause severe damage to
other plants (Straathoff, 1986). In addition to killing non-target plants outright, pesticide
exposure can cause sublethal effects on plants. Phenoxy herbicides, including 2,4-D, can
injure nearby trees and shrubs if they drift or volatilise onto leaves (Dreistadt et al., 1994).
Exposure to the herbicide glyphosate can severely reduce seed quality (Locke et al., 1995).
It can also increase the susceptibility of certain plants to disease (Brammall and Higgins,
1998). This poses a special threat to endangered plant species. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service hasrecognized 74 endangered plants that may be threatened by glyphosate alone
(U.S. EPA Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances, 1986). Exposure to the herbicide
clopyralid can reduce yields in potato plants (Lucas and Lobb, 1987). EPA calculated that
volatilisation of only 1% of applied clopyralid is enough to damage non-target plants (US
EPA, 1990). Some insecticides and fungicides can also damage plants (Dreistadt et
al., 1994). Pesticide damage to plants is commonly reported to state agencies in the
Northwest. (Oregon Dept. of Agriculture, 1999; Washington Dept. of Health, 1999). Plants
can also suffer indirect consequences of pesticide applications when harm is done to soil
microorganisms and beneficial insects. Pesticides including those of new the generation,
e.g., dacthal, chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, metolachlor, terbufos and trifluralin have been
detected in Arctic environmental samples (air, fog, water, snow) (Rice and
Cherniak, 1997), and (Garbarino et al., 2002). Other studies have identified the ability of
some of these compounds to undergo short-range atmospheric transport (Muir et al., 2004)
to ecologically sensitive regions such as the Chesapeake Bay and the Sierra Nevada
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