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MANIFOLD Nanditha S Matad
In this paper work is done on some properties of the contact CR-submanifolds. Lorentzian para-Sasakian manifolds are D-totally geodesic and D⊥-
totally geodesic
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Capital is required for the growth and also for the development of every sector of the economy at
large. There are two sources of arranging capital that is internal sources and external source. In the
year 1991 India has faced Balance of Payment crisis which force India to open the economy for
liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalization. This allows a foreign capital to invest in selected
sector. There are various factors which can affect the foreign capital investments like Strong
Regulatory System, emerging market, transparent economy etc and this gives scope to Foreign
Institutional Investors (FII) to invest capital. Corporate Governance is also considers as one of the
factor which can have impact on inflow of capital in equity and debt. Hence there arises a need to
find out to what extent FII are related with Corporate Governance of a company. The present study
tries to find out the relation of Corporate Governance with FII and also tries to find out the other
extraneous variables impact on FII. For the study purpose the secondary data will be collected
from respective company’s annual reports of the year 2015-16. CNX Nifty 50 companies are
selected for the study. To find out the impact various statistical tool were applied like Correlation
Coefficient, Regression model, f-test and z-test
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N. S. Indhumathy
A Markovian inventory integrated policy with inter-demand
time as exponential distribution is considered in this paper.
This paper presents, a single-vendor and multiple-buyers
integrated inventory model for deteriorating items. The model
contains the exponential parameter which is unknown and is
estimated through MLE and Baye’s under a squared error loss
function. The conjugate Gamma prior is used as the prior
distribution of exponential distribution. Finally, a numerical
MCMC simulation is used to compare the estimators obtained
with Expected risk and are shown graphically. The proposed
model is formulated and the optimal decisions are obtained
by minimising the average total cost of the integrated system.
A numerical example is taken to illustrate the developed
model. The sensitivity analysis is also carried out for the
model with percentage change in the parameters.
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Measurement of Radiation from Naturally Occurring Radioactive
Materials in a Mineral Called “Ewoa”, Gurage zone, Ethiopia.
T. Tessema Teklemariam,W.Tsegaye Birhanu
Using an experimental technique (NaI(Tl)-gamma spectroscopy) the
natural radioactivity emanating from a mineral soil which is in use in
far-flung areas of Ethiopia was determined. The results of the
experiment were converted in to radiation dose units and it is
compared with internationally set standards for a public. The
calculated average absorbed dose rate in air due to gamma ray from
the mineral soil activity, likewise the average hazard indexes
obtained for both external and internal exposure do not exceeded the
limits set by United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of
Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR). Therefore the mineral soil does not
pose a threat to the public.
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A Sustainable Tourism Resource in Arunachal Pradesh.
Arunachal Pradesh-state located in North Eastern part of India sub continent fall on
Himalayan belt. Region has abundant gift of natural resources because of its ideal
geographic location. State is habitat of tribal people who were practice a unique culture.
The natural and cultural heritage of the state has an exotic feature which makes the state a
unique destination for tourism. In the State one can experience the different colours of
Arunachal culture in one platform. This paper highlights the potential tribal culture which
can be a unique tourism resource. Meanwhile it also tries to highlight the strength and
opportunities of the state in terms of tourism as well as recommendations for tourism
growth in the state. Here, we also can understand the barriers to tourism development in
the state.
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C.Selvi, R.Selvi
Para topological group is a group with a topology such that the multiplication
mapping is continuous from 𝐺 × 𝐺 ⟶ 𝐺 to 𝐺. In this paper we introduce a concept of para
generalized topological simple group. Also we 𝒢-compactness, 𝒢-connected concept for para 𝒢-
topological simple groups are investigated
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The Kinetic Study of the Solvent Effect of Polyhydric Alcohol on the
Thermodynamic Extensive properties of the Catalysed Solvolysis of
propionate ester
Sushma Kumari1,Rakesh Kumar Ranjan,R .T. Singh
The changes observed and evaluated due to the solvent effect of a dipolar protic or dipolar aprotic solvent on
the thermodynamic extensive properties of solvolysis of the propionate ester have been found responsible for
changes in its biochemical and medicinal properties.With a view to highlight the effect of a polyhydric
alcohol (dipolar protic solvent) on the extensive thermodynamic properties of propionate ester, the kinetics of
alkali catalysed hydrolysis of ethylpropionate was studied in aquo-glycerol reaction media.
From the enhancement observed in G* values with simultaneous decrease in the values of H and S* of the
reaction, it is inferred that the organic co-solvent glycerol acts as entropy controller and enthalpy stimulator
solvent for alkali catalysed hydrolysis of ethyl propionate.
The numerical value of Iso-kinetic temperature of the reaction which comes to be nearly 286.0 (below 300)
indicates that there is weak but considerable solvent-solute interaction in the aquo-glycerol reaction media.
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Lakshmi Priya.S,Madhumitha.J
: In this paper, the effect soret analyzed on the unsteady MHD mixed convective
oscillatory flow in the porous medium. The effect of soret buoyamoy, heat source,
thermal radiation and chemical reaction are studied. The governing equations of the
problem are converted into a system of non dimensional differential equations. By using
slip boundary condition, different kind of velocity, temperature and concentration results
are obtained by graphs. Then the equations are solved by perturbation techniques. The
effects of fluid flow for the various parameters like Gr
, Gc, Sc, Sr on velocity, temperature
and concentration fields have been obtained in the help of graphs.
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A Survey on Leaks and Faults Detection & Diagonsis in Water Supply
P. Vasanth sena
The various approaches on leakage detection & diagnosis in
water supply System are discussed and also propose a novel
approach for analysis and solving the problems. The methods
adapted here are develop schema for datasets, collecting data
from thousands of hall sensors based on second billing,
organization of these big data sets. After the proper analysis
of data set, conclude with the best approaches. To enhance
the techniques for leak detection and diagnosis, look into
innovative methods that could make the leak exposure
surveys more effective.
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Students’ Engagement in Group-Based Learning in Mathematics
Dr. Flordeliza P. Ferrer
The study explored the students’ engagement in the group-based approach and analyzed their perceived
advantages and disadvantages in learning mathematics. It employed the descriptive method of research through a
researcher-made instrument to collect the learners’ perceptions on the statements describing the positive and negative
effects of group-based learning on the grounds of their experience. Three groups of respondents were considered as
samples in equal numbers, forty each from the classes of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
students in the secondary level, Science major students in the tertiary level, and Mathematics major students also in the
tertiary level. All of them were exposed to group-based learning in their respective mathematics classes. Data were
analyzed using the weighted mean and t-test for independent samples. Statistical results revealed that majority of the
respondents believed that there were more merits than drawbacks when they were engaged with a group. Students’ from
different levels and in diverse fields of interest expressed varied opinions on some issues regarding their experience in
working with peers. Based on the learner’s perceived beneficial and shortcoming effects of this learning approach, the
study offers recommendations which may be considered by the mathematics educators in the design of their instructional
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Design of Different Types of Full Adders using Double gate MOSFET
The full adder circuit is an important cell in many processing
systems. The full adder circuit is used to add the partial product of
multiplier designs. Decreasing the number of transistor count in full
adder can result in less power consumption. In this paper, different
types of full adders have been implemented using Double Gate
MOSFET technique which is mainly used to reduce the short channel
effects in the circuits. These circuits have been implemented using
TANNER EDA tool, so this result decreasing the total power
consumption and delay of full adder
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GA Based FGP Model for Power Loss Minimization and Voltage Stability
Improvement in Electrical Power Systems Papun Biswas
Power loss minimization and voltage stability improvement is
one of the major issues of modern power system operation
and planning. This article presents an efficient genetic
algorithm (GA) approach to solve these problems with fuzzy
representation of objective functions. In the proposed
approach, the fuzzy goal programming (FGP) and GA are
applied in two stages for formulation and solving the problem
for optimal setting of VAR control variables. The proposed
approach is tested on the standard IEEE 6-Generator 30-Bus
System with the objectives and compared with the solutions
obtained in previous study.
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Energy saving and fuel switching opportunities in Ceramic Products Share
Company - Ethiopia Mebratu Markos Woldegiorgis
Several energy saving opportunities in the ethiopia ceramics factory are
obtained by this research and can be directly implemented in the factory. It
is tried to classify some of energy saving options based on cost of
implementing them and this is done by estimating the capital cost and
annual cost of operation as well as saving that could be achieved by
implementing the saving option and by calculating the payback period of
the measures. The result of the current research has showed that more
saving can be achieved by investing more on identified energy saving
opportunities. Energy saving measures identified by the current research
like reducing thermal mass of existing kiln cars, installing new modern low
thermal mass kiln cars, recovering waste heat from cooling zone of tunnel
kilns especially from glost kiln, installing high speed burners in kilns,
avoiding dummy firing in tunnel kilns, reducing loss of products at each step
of production, applying monitoring and targeting system etc can be
implemented with low cost there by resulting in huge energy saving which
can pay back the investment cost in less than two years time, for most of
them the payback period being below one year. But above all the energy
saving opportunity that can make ceramics factory competent in local as
well as in world market by greatly reducing its specific energy consumption.
This measure will require substantial investment cost and change in process
and the reward will be very high; saving of about 50% with payback period
of below three years.
The major fuel switching opportunities identified by current research and to
be applied in Ceramics Factory are mainly focused on switching to cheaper
fuels that can be obtained within Ethiopia thereby saving the foreign
currency the country expends to import petroleum fuels. According to the
researcher this can be achieved by using Ethiopian coal as fuel in spry drier
which currently uses gasoil, effectively recovering heat from cooling zones
of kilns to supply heat required for drying sanitary wares to save fuel used in
boilers to produce hot water for mentioned purpose, and as there is plan
that Ethiopia will be commercially producing natural gas in coming six years
it is wise decision to switch fuel of kilns from current kerosene to natural
gas. This will have multi-benefit as experiences from developed countries
shows that they have already done this measure because natural gas is
environmentally friendly fuel than other solid and liquid fuels and in our
case it will save foreign currency for fuel of kilns when produced in Ethiopia.
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This work is focused on the influence of Viscous dissipation and
variable suction on free-combined flow past a semi-infinite vertical flat
plate with Dufour and soret effects under the influence of transversely
applied magnetic field, have been studied numerically. The resulting
governing equations are transformed into non linear ordinary differential
equations using similarity transformation. The set of non linear ordinary
differential equations are first linearized by using Quasi-linearization
technique and then solved numerically by using implicit finite difference
scheme. Then the system of algebraic equations is solved by using Gauss-Seidal iterative method. Numerical results of hydrogen-air mixture fluid for
the velocity, temperature and concentration are shown graphically for
various values of the parameter entering into the problem
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Neutrosophic Vague Generalized Pre-Continuous and Irresolute Mappings
1Mary Margaret A,Trinita Pricilla M
This paper is to investigate and introduce a new class of continuous mappings in neutrosophic vague
topological spaces namely neutrosophic vague generalized pre continuous mapping and neutrosophic vague
generalized pre irresolute mapping by suitable examples and also their properties are deliberated.
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Discrete element simulation of granular particles and their Numerical
simulation in a rotating cylinder S.H. Oleena
The objective of this contribution is to present a numerical simulation
method to model the motion of a packed bed in a rotary kiln using
object-oriented techniques. The method chosen is the Lagrangian
time-driven method and it uses the position, the orientation, the
velocity and the angular velocity of particles as independent
variables. These are obtained by time integration of the three-dimensional dynamics equations which were derived from the
classical Newtonian mechanics approach based on the second law of
Newton for the translation and rotation of each particle in the
granular material. This includes keeping track of all forces and
moments acting on each particle at every time-step. Contact forces
depend on the overlap geometry, material properties and dynamics of
particles and include normal and tangential components of repulsion
force. The resulting equations of particle motion are solved by the
Gear predictor–corrector scheme of fifth-order accuracy.The back
ground version of DEM and time integration algorithm are developed
and implemented into C++ code. The implementation of time-integration algorithm is verified by simple test concerning particle-particle, particle-wall interaction for which analytical expression
exist. In this paper particle force due to different material property
are investigated.
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The decision making problems with imprecise data has a special significance in real life
problems. In this article an attempt has been made to compare the concept of fuzzy soft expert set and
possibility fuzzy soft expert set, in the car selection process. The methods to construct the comparison table
for the fuzzy soft expert set and possibility fuzzy soft expert set in parametric sense are discussed. Numerical
examples are illustrated for better decision making.
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Edge and Total Edge Product Cordial Labeling of Some New
Chirag M. Barasara
In this paper we investigate edge product cordial labeling and total edge product cordial labeling for
cycle with one chord, cycle with twin chords, triangular ladder graph and comb graph.
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R. P. Mathur
The instability of the plane interface between two Oldroydian viscoelastic superposed fluids through porous
medium in the presence of uniform rotation and variable magnetic field is discussed. The magnetic field,
the viscosity and the density are assumed to be exponentially varying. For stable density stratification, the
system is found to be stable for disturbances of all wave numbers. The magnetic field stabilizes the
potentially unstable stratification for small wave-length perturbations which are otherwise unstable. The
long wavelength perturbations remain unstable and are not stabilized by magnetic field. Rotation does not
affect the stability or instability, as such, of stratification.
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Characteristics of Concrete Partially Replaced With Waste Ceramic Aggregates
Mr. Amit Kumar
A large quantity of ceramic tiles change into wastage, these waste materials are not reusable and
recyclable due to their physical and chemical structure. Using ceramic wastage in concrete
production could be an effective measure in maintaining the environment and improving the
properties of concrete. The present experimental study deals with the investigation of possibility of
using waste ceramic tile in concrete. Waste ceramic tile is the least expensive of all the concrete
constituents and is much less expensive than natural aggregates and thus the idea is to replace as
much of the natural aggregates as possible to save money and to reduce the amount of disposable
wastes, as well, but care has to be taken in order not to weaken the concrete by adding too much
ceramic tiles. To do so, first, the ceramic waste tiles are collected and then being grind by a
hammer. They are used in concrete as the substitute for coarse aggregates with 0 to 50 percent of
substitution with W/C ratio of 0.5. Besides, all other parameters are constant. Then a standard
series 18 density tests and compressive strength tests were conducted.
The output results obtained from this laboratory program showed reliable data points and
promising further research horizons. The optimum value of coarse waste ceramic tile to be used
within the concrete mix with a water-cement ratio of 0.5 was determined as about 30%, and the
corresponding expected 28-days hardened concrete compressive strength was about 23.2MPa. Also
the density of concrete cube decreases as the amount of tile increases. The findings revealed that
using waste ceramic tile lead to enhancing the properties of concrete
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This Paper, then gives a brief overview of First order differential equation, its
formation and its how to solve it. It also explain how first order differential equation can be used to
predict growth of bacteria. It also explains how it can be used by archaeological department to
estimate the age of fossil. It also thrown light on application of First order differential equation by
Police Department to estimate the time of death of a murdered person. In this paper, population of
Haryana, a prosperous state of India is predicted by use of First Order equation.
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Mr. Ravinder Kumar Kulria
The knowledge of the maximum depth of scour around such structures is essential
from the point of view of safety of these structures; excessive scour can undermine the
foundations and lead to the failure of the structure. Alluvial streams are sometimes
partially obstructed by hydraulic structures such as spurs, bridge piers, abutments, guide
banks etc. In some other cases high velocity sheets of water from spillways and sluice
gates flow over loose alluvial material. In all these cases the bed level in the vicinity of the
structures is lowered as a result of interaction between the high velocity flow and the loose
bed and consequent modification in the flow pattern, such local drop in the bed level is
known as local scour. Proper design requires that the foundation be taken down to a level
lower than the anticipated level of the scour hole. It has been reported that since 1950 over
500 bridges have failed in U.S.A. and majority of failures were due to scour of foundation
material. In the Indian context, such data on number of failed bridges due to scour are not
easily available. However it is known that scour has been the matter of concern to the
railways, and detailed hydrologic and scour studies have been undertaken by RDSO,
Lucknow. Three major reasons for such a concern can be mentioned namely-
(i) Inadequate knowledge of scour phenomenon when these bridges were
constructed; (ii) these bridges were designed probably for maximum observed flood
upto the time of design. However, since flood is a probabilistic phenomenon, floods
of higher magnitude of larger return period must have occurred and for which
foundation was no designed.
(iii) lastly the size of wagons , trucks and their frequency has significantly
increased which has increased the load on the bridge
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A Review of Pros and Cons of Electric Vehicles in Smart Power System
Rajender Kumar Beniwal
With the awareness about the environment and greenhouse
effect, researches are going on non-polluting alternatives of
the energy. Petroleum, natural gas, coal etc. are main source
of energy and public transport. But now advancement of
technology main stress is on renewable source of energy, and
with deployment of natural resources electric vehicles
technology is new alternative to petroleum transport. But the
excess use of electric vehicles has some ill effect on the power
system. In this work, an analysis of electric vehicle on the
power system is presented. Various problems related to these
and their solutions are given in literature. Presently, electric
vehicles are in developing stage and are the future of the
transport system.
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Non-technical Losses in Power Distribution System
In this paper, we studied the scenario of distribution losses in
Haryana due to electricity theft. The electricity board in the
state of Haryana is facing financial losses owing to these
distribution losses and the main reason for this is the non-technical losses. Distribution losses account for the mismatch
between the billed electricity units and supplied units. The
major factors which are responsible for distribution losses are
system inefficiency, tampering with energy meter, hiding
actual installed load, malpractice of electricity theft etc. Social
and economic factors like literacy, income, lack of information
etc. also affected the distribution losses in Haryana, a rural
dominated Indian State. Haryana is an Indian State in which
65.21% of total population lives in the rural areas. In this
paper, we analyse the distribution losses based on the data
obtained from the distribution company in the northern areas
of State (i.e., Uttar Haryana BijliVitran Nigam Ltd.). For
indicative analysis, we have chosen Kharkhoda block of
Haryana State as the sample area for study of the distribution
losses based on the data provided by UHBVNL.
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Performance Evaluation of Load Frequency Controller
Rinku Kumar
Frequency deviation control is a major issue in a power
system. With increase in complexity of the network and
frequently changing load, make it more significant issue. For
stable operation of the power system within the stability limit,
the frequency deviations must be controlled. Controlling
frequency by installation of prime mover governor is a very
simple mechanism to control the frequency deviations. If the
frequency of the system is not controlled within the fraction
of time, the stability may be jeopardized. Many intelligent
techniques are available in the literature to control the
frequency deviations such as fuzzy control, particle swarm
optimization and neural network control etc. Fuzzy logic
frequency controller is proposed in this paper.
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The active solar energy harvesting techniques by using the
Photovoltaic cells, which converts the solar energy directly
into the Electric Energy. The energy harvesting from the Sun is
required so that maximum utilization can be taken. In this
paper, a model which extract the maximum power of
photovoltaic module and increases the efficiency of the
overall system in terms of power generated by the
photovoltaic module is compared with previously proposed
models. All the techniques and concept required and used to
design the model are explained and the results are shown
in comparative form. The comparison of results shows that a
model designed by using dc-dc boost converter with
incremental conductance algorithm have maximum power.
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 Muhammad Kamal Hossen
Fire detection is an important issue in the modern security system. In this
paper, a vision based fire detection system is proposed. The proposed method
integrates both color and motion information to isolate the fire regions from
the video frame. First, based on some training fire images,the color of each
pixel is analyzed to locate the fire colored pixel. Temporal variation and
temporal periodicity of each pixel are calculated to determine which of these
fire colored pixels actually fire pixels are. Then, we analyzed the spatial
variance of each fire colored region. And in this step, some spurious fire
regions are eliminated. The fire has some center regions which are much
brighter and relatively stationary than other regions. Extracting these regions
is also a feature of this work.Finally, a region growing algorithm is applied to
find the actual fire regions in the video. In the experimental result, we
showed that the proposed method works in various environmental conditions
and the number of false fire frames detection is very lowfor fire colored
stationary or moving object
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Neighbourhood Polynomials Derived Through Binary Operations on Graphs
G.Suresh Singh
Binary operations on graphs are studied widely in graph theory ever since each of these operations
has been introduced. The neighbourhood polynomial plays a vital role in describing the
neighbourhood characteristics of the vertices of a graph. In this study neighbourhood polynomial
of graphs arising from the operations like conjunction, join and symmetric difference of certain
classes of graphs are calculated and tried to characterize the nature of neighbourhood polynomial.
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A Brief Study of Group Theory
A non – empty set G along with a binary operation ‘*’ is said to be a group
i.e., (G, *) is a group if it satisfy the following four properties:-
1. Closure property :- The set G is closed with respect to the composition ‘ * ’ ,i.e.
𝑎, 𝑏 ∈ 𝐺 ⇒ 𝑎 ∗ 𝑏 ∈ 𝐺
2. Associative law :- The binary operation obeys associative law i.e. 𝑎 ∗ 𝑏 ∗ 𝑐 =
𝑎 ∗ 𝑏 ∗ 𝑐 ∀ 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐 ∈ 𝐺
3. Existence of identity element :- For all 𝑎 ∈ G there exists an element e ∈ G such
that 𝑎 ∗ 𝑒 = 𝑎 = 𝑒 ∗ 𝑎
The element e is called the identity element of G.
4. Existence of Inverse: - For each 𝑎 ∈ G there exists a unique element 𝑏 ∈ G
s.t. a*b = b*a = e
The element b is called inverse of a.
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Semi-symmetric Metric Connection on a LP-Sasakian Manifold
Prabhat Narayan Singh,S. K. Dubey
n this paper we have introduced a type of semi-symmetric
metric connection on a LP-Sasakian manifold and obtained the
expression for curvature tensor. We have also studied
conformal curvature tensor, conharmonic curvature tensor,
concircular curvature tensor and projective curvature tensor
for this connection.
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Semi Parallel and Weyl-Semi Parallel Hypersurface of Tachibana Manifold
Prabhat Narayan Singh,S. K. Dubey
In this paper, we have studied semi parallel and Weyl
semi parallel para-Sasakian hypersurface of a Tachibana
manifold. We have prove that para-Sasakian hypersurface of a
Tachibana manifold is semi-parallel if and only if it is totally
umbilical with negative unit mean curvature. Further we have
prove that such a hypersurface is Weyl-semi-parallel if and
only if it is either η−Einstein manifold or semi-parallel. Some
more results has been studied in this paper.
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Introduction To Wireless Sensor Network and its Applications
Sensor networks are expected to play an essential role in the upcoming age of pervasive
computing.WSN stands for Wireless Sensor Network. Wireless Sensor Network consists of
thousands of self organizing, low-power, low cost wireless nodes and is used in variety of fields
which includes military, healthcare, environmental, biological, home and other commercial
applications. In this paper, different types of wireless sensor network topologies described in
details. The characteristic of this is to divide WSN into network based on Topologies i.e. Bus, Tree,
Star, Ring, Mesh. Information of the position of nodes, and those nodes are organized within the
network by the Topological way.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), which is composed of several thousands of sensor nodes which
are capable of sensing, actuating, and relaying the collected information. This paper presents an
overview of the various wireless sensor network types and their applications, operations, topologies
and advantages etc.
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