Educational institutions implement school information system (IS) solutions for efficient
academic processes and improve the student experience, thus tend to upgrade to new
school IS, ceasing the use of old school IS. Extant studies of information system
discontinuance are in organizational in general. This study is solely a school organization
setting, specifically a thorough understanding of contributing factors that facilitate the
intention of school information system (IS) discontinuance. Organizational level IS
discontinuance intention OLIDI model was used as a lens and anchored by grounded
theory. Semi-Structured interviews with school administrators and users of the school
information system (IS) in Surigao State College of Technology. A qualitative statistics
approach and coding to the group and analyze the data. The findings show that system
shortcomings, organizational initiative, environmental change, system investment, and
institutional pressures were the critical determinants of increased intentions to replace the
existing school information system IS. The study findings are useful to school
administrators to identify long term flexibility required of policies to overcome the
capability of shortcomings that emerge over the system life span and underline risk
associated with continued use of unsupported systems.
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