Leadership is an important part of any organisation or political system. The emergence of leaders depend upon their role and activities towards the society. Generally, the common people supports those leaders who fulfill or try to fulfill the interests of the common people. Such kind of leaders may also influence the voting behaviour of the people. They may increase the political awareness and consciousness of the people. However, it is not seen up to the expectation level of the tea garden people in the sample gardens of the present study. Therefore, the present study attempts to analyse the concept of leadership, voting behaviour and expectations of the tea garden people of the two gardens in the district of Biswanath, Assam. The present study is based on both qualitative and quantitative approach. The researcher interviewed sixty two respondents taking thirty one from each sample garden. The study also collected secondary source materials from books, journals, Government reports, seminar reports and newspaper articles. The present paper argues that the leadership and organisations among the tea tribes community should come forward to help the tea garden people to increase their wareness and influence in the political aspects of the state in an organized way.
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