Cover Page IJESM_May_2022......
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EPQ Model for Deteriorating products with demand dependent
production rate under Advance‑Cash‑Credit Payment scheme
Dhir Singh
In today’s modern business transactions, the supplier of raw meterials usually asks the
manufacturer to pay via the advance-cash-credit (ACC) payment policy. According to this ACC payment
policy, the manufacturer pays a fraction of the procurement cost as advance payment when signing a contract
to buy raw meterials, pays another fraction of the procurement cost as cash payment in cash when receiving
the ordered quantity, and receives a short-term interest-free credit period to pay the remaining procurement
cost as credit payment. In this article, we develop an EPQ model for deteriorating products under the ACC
payment policy.The main goal of this article is to determine an optimal selling price while maximizing the
total profit of the manufacturer. In addition, some numerical examples are provided to illustrate the
developed EPQ model and show the concavity of the profit function with respect to selling price
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Rajiv vasudev
In the computing scene, cyber security is going through unbelievable changes in
technology and its operations of late, and data science is driving the change. Getting out
security occasion models or pieces of information from cyber security data and building
seeing data-driven model, is the best method for coordinating make a security system
modernized and savvy. To get it and explore the certifiable investigates with data, different
mindful perspectives, machine learning thinking, cycles and systems are utilized, which is
reliably known as data science.
In this paper, we frame cyber security data science, where the data is being gathered from
key cyber security sources, and the assessment joins the most recent data-driven models for
giving really persuading security moves close. The chance of cyber security data science
licenses pushing the computing worked with attempt more central and cautious when stood
isolated from standard ones in the space of cyber security
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Study of building material in nesting of Indian Myna
(Acridotheres tristis)
Dr. Arvind Kumar
The Indian myna (Acridotheres tristis) are distribute all over India, also known as
an Asian starling (family Sturnidae and order Passeriformes) that has become also
established in many part of the world, out side of its native range due to accidental or
deliberate introduction by humans. They nest were built in holes or cavity of walls, trees,
wells, rocks, old building, under pass of highway and railway station etc. The experiment
was started on Febuary 2022 in which ten wooden box were placed at different heights (9
to 10 feet, 12 to 15 feet and 18 to 20 feet) in campus of government degree college B.B.
Nagar, Bulandsahar, U.P., India. Indian myna search site for nest building were started in
the beginning of the breeding season. In this study it was observed that nesting materials
were twigs of neem, gulmohar, dry grass and leaves of local region, piece of cloths, plastic
or transparent polythene strips, metal wire, bird feathers etc found in the their nest boxes
and also in one natural site. Maximum nest material act as insulator that is help in
decreasing heat exchange result play an important role in eggs incubation
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Ramakrishna Reddy K
Image mining is the most prominent strategy for figuring out an acceptable method for
review and track enormous extents of data and data in shocking totals. In plot confirmation
and image age, highlight extraction is a peculiar sort of dimensionality debasement. Well
when the data is extremely colossal to be seen and perceived as an excess by and large, by
then, the data will be changed into a less enlightening arrangement of parts. Coordinate
extraction worked out the amount of assets that ought to portray a creature's design of the
data clearly.
Image mining is reliably worried about exploring and working on new kinds of progress
that give key examination and comprehension of images. Image mining isn't the basic
reality of recuperating just the necessary images; regardless of whether further making
image designs that are key in a given blend of images.
Image mining is advancing in the field of data mining, in the field of image making. Image
mining is an extra model that isn't unequivocally express in the image, the relationship of
the image data and the extraction of the advantaged data. This field is interconnected and
works with databases, modernized thinking, data mining, robotized thinking and image the
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