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Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Finance - Profitable Business for Banks: Its Ways & Drivers. Dr. Ram Jass Yadav
The Indian industrial economy is characterized by a dynamic and versatile set of enterprise actors, who are prestigiously known as Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs) for their scale of operations. This category has been leading a typical competitive advantage to Indian industry in terms of controlling sufficient markets globally. It is because of their ability to make available low-volume customized products, flexible response and lower fixed overhead costs. The other unique behavior of these MSMEs is that in most of the cases depending upon their specialization, they have evolved as clusters. The importance of MSMEs as compared to Corporate Enterprises with regard to their contribution towards Indian economy can be best understood that they contribute 8% in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 45% of manufactured output, 40% of exports, manufacture over 6000 products and provide employment to around 60 million person through 26 million enterprises as per quick estimates of 4th all India census of MSMEs completed during 2009-10. Donload full Lenght Paper......
Constructivism As A Paradigm for Teaching and Learning.
Mrs. Seema Gupta
Behaviorism and constructivism are two of the predominant educational theories that form the basis of many today's educational technology. Research shows that the traditional classroom teaching method known as lecturing, in which the instructor (lecturer) primarily speaks and the students primarily listen and take notes, is very ineffective .Studies indicate that active participation is more effective in a learning environment that emulates a real world learning environment. In a traditional teaching process, very little learning takes place. Studies support that the teacher alone can nurture a student's participation in the learning process. They are the facilitators of creating constructivist learning environment representing learning with technology which encourages learners to actively process and organize information by making internal cognitive connections. This paper brings into discussion the shift in the role of teachers in the learning process, from the traditional teaching environment to learning environment that encourages active student's participation in the learning process. These characteristics of an effective teacher are grounded in the constructivism theory of learning, prior to which a brief description of behaviorism is provided. The paper also discusses the effectiveness of the constructivist approach and the various pedagogies that leverage constructivism.
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Developing The Workforce Of The Future Through Work Integrated Learning Program. Dr. S. Kaliyamoorthy and S. Sridevi
The demand for work-ready graduates, who are familiar with organizational practices in the workplace, is increasing, and so the need for greater work integrated learning (WIL) is a growing concern for the education sector. With the globalization of higher education and the cultural and linguistic challenges this brings, WIL has become a core strategic issue for many organizations. Examining WIL as a process of integration between workplaces, higher education institutions, government, business and industry, this book includes: Strategies for managing work integrated learning experiences. The what, when, where, why and who of WIL across professions Advice on building relationships between higher education and the workplace Guidance on preparing learners effectively for work Practical case studies from firsthand experience. Direct information and instruction on the use of WIL Work Integrated Learning is a practical guide that can be used by the education sector and employers alike. An integrated resource, applicable to all involved in work integrated learning, it will also appeal to pro-Vice Chancellors of teaching and learning, WIL coordinators, careers services, and all those involved with standards and competency. Donload full Lenght Paper......
The link between employees well -being and job performance. Mr. Param Saraswat
The present world is fast changing and there are lots of pressures and demands at work. These pressures at work lead to physical disorders. Stress refers to individual's reaction to a disturbing factor in the environment. It is an adaptive response to certain external factor or situation or what can be called environmental stimuli as reflected in an opportunity, constraint, or demand the outcome of which is uncertain but important. In short stress is a response to an external factor that results in physical, emotional, behavioral deviations in a person. Stress is an all pervading modern phenomenon that takes a heavy toll of human life. Different situations and circumstances in our personal life and in our job produce stress. Those can be divided into factors related to the organization and factors related to the person which include his experience and personality traits. Job related factors are work overload, time pressures, poor quality of supervision, insecure political climate, role conflict and ambiguity, difference between company values and employee values. Person related factors are death of spouse, or of a close friend, family problems, change to a different line of work, prolonged illness in the family, change in social activities, eating habits. Donload full Lenght Paper......
Paper IN Hindi Dr Indira Jugran
Role of Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) in Urban Poverty
Alleviationin Firozabad District Dr. Shishir Kumar Verma and Dr. Vinita Katiyar
Some Glimpse of Nature in Wordsworth, Keats and Arnold Dr. Seema Dalakoti
Analysis of Electrochemical Behaviour of Some Significant Inorganic Complexes K. Kumar and D.K. Dwivedi
The electrochemical behavior of any complex provides us various information about the studying complexes and the potentiometry
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